Tout commence lentement... On trouve un petit papier intéressant dans un vieux livre et on décide de le garder. Puis petit à petit, les papiers, les cartes postales, ou les vieilles photos s'accumulent. Après de nombreuses années, on se retrouve avec une grande quantité de ces trésors, mais on a oublié de les classer. Alors, il faut décider de tout jeter... ou d'y mettre de l'ordre. C'est là le lot de bien des collectionneurs et c'est ce qui est arrivé à mes parents. Collectionneurs puis antiquaires, ils ont amassé des tas de choses. Papa est mort en 1995 mais c'est cette année seulement qu'après de longues hésitations, maman, maintenant agée de 86 ans, a finalement décidé de tout garder. Elle a ainsi commencé à mettre de l'ordre dans sa collection de "publicités". Voici quelques photos qui vous montrent le début de cette aventure qui est loin d'être terminée.
It starts slowly ... One finds an interesting paper in an old book and one decides to keep it. Then gradually little bits of paper or postcards, or old photos accumulate. After some years, a lot of those treasures has been collected, but still, they are not classified. And one is left with a decicion to make: bring order in all those papers or throw them away. That is the destiny of many collectors and that's what happened to my parents. As collectors and then as antiquarians, they found a lot of things. But dad died in 1995. It's only in 2011, after many years of hesitation, that my mother, now aged 86, finally decided to keep everything and put order in her collection of "advertisings". Here are some pictures that show you the beginning of this adventure wich is far from over.

It starts slowly ... One finds an interesting paper in an old book and one decides to keep it. Then gradually little bits of paper or postcards, or old photos accumulate. After some years, a lot of those treasures has been collected, but still, they are not classified. And one is left with a decicion to make: bring order in all those papers or throw them away. That is the destiny of many collectors and that's what happened to my parents. As collectors and then as antiquarians, they found a lot of things. But dad died in 1995. It's only in 2011, after many years of hesitation, that my mother, now aged 86, finally decided to keep everything and put order in her collection of "advertisings". Here are some pictures that show you the beginning of this adventure wich is far from over.

Seulement quelques-uns...
Just a few.

Oui! Aussi tôt que 1750...
Yes! As soon as 1750...

La Reine Victoria morte en 1901. Edouard VII, fils de Victoria, mort en 1910. Georges V, fils d'Edouard VII, mort en 1936. Edouard VIII, fils de Georges V, né en 1894 et mort en 1972. Sur cette publicité, le bébé est le futur Edouard VIII et est àgé d'à peine un an. L'annonce fut vraisemblablement publiée entre 1895 et 1901, date de décès de la reine Victoria. La publicité "Pilules Roses du Dr William pour les personnes pâles" fait sourire...
Queen Victoria died in 1901. Her son, Edward VII, died in 1910 and her grand-son, George V, in 1936. The baby is George V's son, the future King Edward VIII, born in 1894 and dead in 1972. The advertising has probably been published between 1895 and 1901, when Victoria died. This pub can be traduced as "Dr William's Pink Pills for Pale People"... This makes me smile...
Modernité... Des signets achetés au Jardin de Métis, en Gaspésie. Une photo des magnifiques pavots bleus.
Actual bookmarks sold in "Jardin de Métis" in Gaspesia. This is one of the few place in North America where one can see the Blue Poppy.