Saturday August the 5th 2006

Et pour le mois d'août, c'était très froid dehors...
OUI! C'est en français ET en anglais!!!
Yes it's both in English and French
Ce vidéo très spécial vous fera sourire. Quel rythme il a!!!!
This very special video will make you smile. Look at that rythm!
Anon gave me a "You Made My Day Award"... Cool! And I can give it back to up to 10 other bloggers!!!!Cooooooooooooool Coooooooooool!!!! Then you just have to post a little message on their blog to let them know they have won, so they can give it to others too! :)
Donc, voici ma petite liste. Merci à tous ceux qui illuminent mes journées!!!!! Merci surtout à ceux qui me font RIRE!!!! :)
Here is my little list. Thanks to all of those who brighten my days!!!! And especially to those who make me LAUGH!!!! :)
Anon and her Bird Anonymous, Andrea in "Colouring Outside the Lines, Perriette and her "Dreams and Ghosts", Aravis in "Exploring Aravis", Tony Larocca in "It's Better than Bad It's Good", Olivier in " Photographies", OOOEgggEgggOOOO in "BoiledEggInADeckChair", Princesse Pepper Cloud and her "Peppurrr Cats", Jeff Kerlin in "The Thing of The Moment" and Nanuk, up the Great North in "The White Bear's Blog.