J'ai photographié ces ruines il y a déjà de nombreuses années, mais je n'avais jamais eu l'occasion de retravailler l'image (Oui un vrai négatif)...Ce bel endroit se trouve en Bretagne, tout près d'Herbignac. Les premiers bâtisseurs furent les Sires D'Assérac dont le premier connu, Richard, fit élever en 1095 la Chapelle de Pen-Bé. Son fils Frédor pourrait être le bâtisseur de Ranrouët. Les modifications et reconstructions furent nombreuses au cours des années. Durant la Révolution, le château fur pillé et incendié. Il ne fut jamais reconstruit. Un endroit vieux de presque mille ans....
I have taken the photo of those ruins many years ago but never had the chance to work on it digitally (Yes it's a negative)... This nice place in in Bretagne, near Herbignac, in France. The first builders were the Sires D'Assérac. The first known one was Richard who built the Chapelle de Pen-Bé, in 1095. His son, Frédor, could have been the builder of Ranrouët. Many changes were made to the castle over the years. During the French Revolution, the castle was pillaged and burned. It never was reconstructed. A place that is almost a thousand years old...
Pour le concours *ruines* sur Brookston Scavenger Hunt.
For the contest *ruins* on Brookston Scavenger Hunt.