samedi, mai 06, 2006

See It Sunday: *WEIRD*

Jouer avec un miroir peut produire des images étranges...

Playing with a mirror can produce weird images...

6 commentaires:

CanadianSwiss a dit…

Je seconde...Trèèèès cool!!!

merlinprincesse a dit…

This is a special effect with mirrors I bought a few years ago with some other gizmos, to make strange pics. I had not used that stuff for many years... :)

Ginnie Hart a dit…

It seems like there is a scary movie poster that kinda looks like this. Well, this isn't that scary but it reminded me....

merlinprincesse a dit…

Ginnie, it could be a poster for ScaryMovie 5... You know? The funny ones! ;o)

Anonyme a dit…

J'aime bien cette décomposition... Comme une vie éclatée, pleine de désirs...

merlinprincesse a dit…

Bernard: Merci!!! :)