jeudi, mars 06, 2008


Quoi de mieux, par une froide journée de janvier, que de s'intaller pour bricoler. C'est ce que nous avons fait, Clo et moi, le 21 janvier dernier... C'est d'ailleurs la dernière fois que j'ai fait quelque chose. Je n'ai pas assez de temps, et il va falloir remédier à ça, car dessiner me manque beaucoup!
When it's cold outside crafting is a nice thing to do. That's what Clo and I have done on January the 21rst. It was the last time I've been drawing something cause I don't have enough time! I will have to change that! I miss drawing sooooo much!

Dans la cuisine!
In the kitchen!

Clo a décidé de faire des signets pour vendre dans sa boutique de livres anciens!
Clo made some nice bookmarks to sell in her antique bookshop!

J'ai dessiné un mouton et une étrange sirène!
I've drawn a sheep and a strange mermaid!

Voilà! Encore deux trucs pour mettre dans ma boutique sur Etsy! ;o)
Voilà!!! Two more things to sell on My Etsy! ;o)

8 commentaires:

Anonymous a dit…

That strange mermaid looks a bit like YOU MerlinPrincesse! Heehee

Hello Clo!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Mmm.... Not the same drawing, though! :)

Caroline a dit…

What a great session - lucky you to have Clo to do that with - I've not made art with my sister since she was a child... she's an architect with 3 children and that seems to keep her too occupied for a little art afternoon with me!

But this reminds me how much fun we had together and how much of a mess we made!

kj a dit…

oh, so this is your other blog. i am going to visit you here too.

so there!

Aravis a dit…

These are wonderful! You're so talented, and know how to turn a day indoors to good use. :0)

Ces Adorio a dit…

MP, the mermaid looks like your twin. Okay you and Clo did not do anything but play with colors. I envy you. I like these mermaids.

Joy Eliz a dit…

Oh how fun! And I love your drawings. You are quite the artist!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Caroline, when my brother-in-law died, in 2000, my sister, my niece and I began to see each other very often. They live one block from me and they came often to my apartment for an afternoon of crafting. Now, Gene, my niece, is a teen and she prefers to go on the PC... :) But Clo and I still do that kind of thing from time to time... :)

Welcome, KJ! :)

Thanks, Aravis. I don't create as much as I would like to, though!

AWW! Thanks, Ces. Mermaids are fun to draw! And playing with colours is like a meditation! :)

Merci, Joy Eliz! :) Will try to do some Zetti soon! :)