dimanche, mai 25, 2008


11 commentaires:

Ces Adorio a dit…

This is so cool!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Thanks! They are my sis and my goddaughter! :) Gene is a clown!

Anonymous a dit…

Hello Clo and Gene! You are FUNNY!!!

Ces Adorio a dit…

Happy Birthday your Royal Highness!

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

Very jazzy - fun vid.

Everything has changed on your blog, wasn't sure if I was in the right place.

Hey, is it true it is your birthday? If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

It has been so long, but you all have been in my thoughts. Hope everyone is doing well - HI Ces!

Anonyme a dit…

NO NO! not now la birthday de MerlinPrincesse...
Venez lire ici, y tell you friday!

Très belle vidéo chère Hélène!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Clo and Gene are good antidotes to sadness, Anon! :)

Thank you, CES! I am a Princesse, am I? :)))) But my birthday is only on Friday.... FRIDAY?? I thought it was on Saturday and now, I realize it's on Friday. I work ALL DAY on Friday!!! blah! :(

HELLO PERRIETTE!!! In fact, nothing has changed on my blog.... Except for the Virtual Cat and the Trophies in my sidebar.... Hhehehe.... You've been away for too much time!!!! We all miss ya!

Contente de te voir, tante Rita... J'espère que tu vas mieux... :)La vidéo te permet de voir ta filleule et MA filleule en pleine folie théâtrale! :) C'était dimanche le 18 mai, au resto! :)

Anonyme a dit…


merlinprincesse a dit…

Happy hippie birthdy bird-day, Jack! It's not my anniversary...yet! Hheheh...

ritada0hné a dit…

Ecrire des choses aussi idiotes!!!
J'ai honte...!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Ben non, ma tante! Pas idiot du tout! Nous écrivions tous des choses étranges quand Periette et Anon étaient encore dans le monde virtuel! :)