mardi, septembre 11, 2007


31 Juillet 2006
July 31rst 2006

Après le petit-déjeuner, nous avons décidé d'aller marcher sur les berges de la rivière Assiniboine. Une belle promenade y a été aménagée, et la journée était douce. De plus, cela nous mènerait directement au Parlement. De là nous pourrions remonter vers le Centre-Ville, vers le quartier des boutiques... :) Nous cherchions en fait une pharmacie...

After breakfast, we decided to take a walk near the Assiniboine River. A nice promenade has been built there and it was a wonderful day. From there, we could have access to the Legislative Building and go to the Shopping District where we would try to find a drugstore...

La rivière.

The River.

Des docks donnent accès à la rivière.

Docks give access to the river.

Nous nous dirigions par là.... :)

Where we were going... :)

Quelques petits canards. Malheureusement, nous n'avions pas de pain à leur donner, mais ces canards-là étaient très habitués aux humain. Pour les amoureux des oiseaux.... Vous pouvez voir les portraits individuels que j'ai pris sur mon autre blog.
Some little duckies. Too bad we did not have bread to give them. But those cute ducks were not shy at all! For birds lovers, you can see some portraits I've made on my other blog.
Et Lapin Poulain veut encore parler!
And Lapin Poulain has something else to say!

8 commentaires:

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

MORE DUCKS!!! Everywhere I look there are ducks!!! heheheh Lovely photos, MP.

Charlotte says "hi".

Anonymous a dit…

Lucky duckies you didn't have bread MerlinPrincesse! Bread is very bad for them! The current looks a little strong for swimming and there is nowhere to change into my cossie.

Aravis a dit…

That river walk is beautiful!

merlinprincesse a dit…

HI! Charlotte!
Soon, the ducks will be the MASTERS of Earth, Perriette! Mwhahahahahah!

In fact, I never feed the animals, Anon (except Merlin and Princesse)... But I'm glad to learn case I would try.... And what about french fries? };-} I would not swim in that water... seemed polluted...

It is, Aravis. And not much people there! :)

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

I do think you are right about the ducks taking over!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Quack quack quack! :)

Anonymous a dit…

Do you need a Doctor MerlinPrincesse?

merlinprincesse a dit…

Not yet... But I will...Hheheh! :)