lundi, septembre 03, 2007


Connu comme le "passage vers l'Ouest canadien", le Site Historique National de la Fourche (The Forks) préserve et commémore 6000 ans de son histoire. Après que nous soyons sorties de l'hôtel, nous avons visité une petite partie de ce site. D'étranges construction avec de beaux dessins sur leur bases nous ont accueillies. On nous a dit qu'il sagissait d'harpes éoliennes. Nous ne les avons malheureusement jamais entendu chanter.

Known as the "Gateway to the Canadian West", The Forks National Historic Site of Canada preserves and commemorates its 6000 year history. After we got out of the hotel, we decided to take a look at a small part of this wonderful place. We noticed the strange constructions in a circle. We were told that they were windharps. They had wonderful carvings on their bases. Alas! We never heard them play...

Et n'oubliez pas les aventures de Lapin Poulain!!!! :)
And don't forget Lapin Poulain's adventures!!! :)

15 commentaires:

Aravis a dit…

They're so interesting-looking. It's a shame you didn't hear them play, but it seems like a fun trip. :0)

Ces Adorio a dit…

But where in Canada is this unique structure? I wonder if it requires strong wind?

Tara LaMar a dit…

This is most unusual. I would have to have heard them, too.

I can't comment at Anony's anymore so I guess I'm forced to pester everyone else. See, what trouble she has wrought upon you all!!!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Yes, it was a fun trip except at the end when I have the accident.. But you will see, Aravis... :)

CeS, it was in Winnipeg. I'm still talking about that city... :) We had not wind at all in Winnipeg... :) Sooooo...

Yup.... Most unusual Ophelia... But why can't you comment? Pester as much as you want, my dear! };-}

andrea a dit…

Oh my God. I love that top photo. It's a photo of art and the photo IS art!!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Thank you Andrea! Nice to see your back! :)

Tara LaMar a dit…

Thank you so very much, MP. You are a wonderful hostess. Do you have Jellow molds? Anon kicked me off because she can't keep up with me. HA!

I like it here...waiting to hear the wind harps...

Tony LaRocca a dit…

You should have blown on them really really hard!

merlinprincesse a dit…

I have 2 Jelllll-o molds..hehehe And one is TUPPERWARE!!! *teehee*
I'm sure that Anon is able ot keep the pace with you... :)
*listening to the wind*....

I'm NOT a BigBadWold, Tony Larocca! :)

Mary Bee a dit…

Just dropping in to say hello. I can't read your posts, but the pictures look great, of course. I am from ATCards and got your Cats Dream card just today. I am on blogger to. Follow the link, and say HI if you want.


merlinprincesse a dit…

Hello Cattycat! Welcome to my blog and thnks for visiting! It's both in English and French, btw.... :)

Mary Bee a dit…

Well, yes, DUH, now I'm feeling really rediculous. It is odd I did not see the english at all. Yikes!

Anonymous a dit…

Ophelia is lying but you can keep her MerlinPrincesse :) YES of COURSE I can keep up! Was it YOU who did the graffiti in felt pen on the beautiful stone work?

Ces Adorio a dit…

I came back here and I thought the word was HERPES. They really are big HERPES, I mean HARPES.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Hheheheh, Cattycat!

Yup Anon... I always keep a felt pen with me to draw graffiti on works of art..Hhehehe. Next, you'll see a moustache on the Mona Lisa...Hhehehe... *I'm so talented*

NO HERPES ON THIS BLOG, CES... We practice safe blog here... :)