samedi, janvier 05, 2008


Vendredi le 4 août 2006
Friday August the 4th 2006

Après la pluie, nous sommes retournées nous promener autour du lac. L'ambiance était très étrange...
After the rain, we went back for a walk near Lake Louise. The atmosphere was strange....

Les nuages très bas nous cachaient parfois les montagnes.
Sometimes, the clouds were hiding the mountains.

Cette photo me rappelle vraiment des paysages japonais. Je comprends pourquoi on voit ici tant de gens du Japon. Ils doivent se sentir comme chez eux! :)
This image reminds me of some japanese landscapes. I now understand why so many Japanese come here. They must feel like home! :)

8 commentaires:

Anonymous a dit…

After you mentioned the Japan Lanscape I thought that bridge was made from bamboo until seeing it closer! It looks like a WONDERFUL atmosphere!

Anonymous a dit…

PS: You have won a 'You Make My Day' Award!

Anonymous a dit…

Ooops, just saw you already have it! Oh well ;)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Nonono!!!! It's YOURS!!!! Thanks a million times... I put it in my sidebar BEFORE making my own post! Hheheheh! I was soooo exited!!!! ;o)

Anonymous a dit…

You are VERY FAST for a 114 year old ;)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Yup! 114? OMG! I cheated on my age!!! I'm 120...

Anonyme a dit…

Tes photos sont hallucinantes de beauté!
Je craque pour le petit chapeau cloche orangé, serti d'or...
Merci l'ARTISTE!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Merci à toi, tante Rita! :)