samedi, janvier 05, 2008


Aujourd'hui le 6 janvier 2008, j'ai reçu un deuxième trophée de CES!!!! Yeah!
Today, on January the 6th 2008, I received another award from
CES!!!!! Yeah!

Grâce à Anon, j'ai gagné un trophée "Tu as fait ma journée".... CHOUETTE!!!! Et je peux le transmettre à 1 à 10 autres bloggers! Chouette chouette chouette!!! Le truc, c'est de faire savoir à chacun d'entre eux par un message sur leur blog qu'ils ont gagné ce trophée. Ainsi pourront-ils le transmettre à leur tour! :)

Anon gave me a "You Made My Day Award"... Cool! And I can give it back to up to 10 other bloggers!!!!Cooooooooooooool Coooooooooool!!!! Then you just have to post a little message on their blog to let them know they have won, so they can give it to others too! :)

Donc, voici ma petite liste. Merci à tous ceux qui illuminent mes journées!!!!! Merci surtout à ceux qui me font RIRE!!!! :)

Here is my little list. Thanks to all of those who brighten my days!!!! And especially to those who make me LAUGH!!!! :)

Anon and her Bird Anonymous, Andrea in "Colouring Outside the Lines, Perriette and her "Dreams and Ghosts", Aravis in "Exploring Aravis", Tony Larocca in "It's Better than Bad It's Good", Olivier in " Photographies", OOOEgggEgggOOOO in "BoiledEggInADeckChair", Princesse Pepper Cloud and her "Peppurrr Cats", Jeff Kerlin in "The Thing of The Moment" and Nanuk, up the Great North in "The White Bear's Blog.

22 commentaires:

Anonymous a dit…

OHHH thanks merlinPrincesse ;) Back at you!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Hehhehe! :)

jkirlin a dit…

I know that really, it's my terrible use of French that makes you laugh more than my weak attempts at being funny. Thanks! :)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Nope! It's your attempt to take pics with old cameras! *joke* What? I'm not funny????? :))))

nanuk a dit…

An award, pour moi!!!!! Enfin! I'd like to thank . . . (goes off on a long thank-you list). Thanks, merlinprincesse! I will always treasure (sob, sob) this (sob) wonderful moment (desolves into a puddle of tears).

Anonyme a dit…

Merci, je suis touché !
D'ici quelques jours je posterai une photo de mon Merlin pour te remercier ;-)

Belle journée

andrea a dit…

Merci beaucoup et merci aussi pour les mots sympathiques de Zappa. (Also to you, too Mei Shile!) I don't feel that much like blogging right now but maybe when I'm feeling up to it again I'll participate. Happy New Year my friend (and I'm so glad you met Zappa!).

merlinprincesse a dit…

Nanuk! I would really love to see you desolve into a puddle of tears... :P

Tu es un de ceux qui fait les plus belles photos, Olivier. :) Tu le mérites! J'ai hâte de voir ton Merlin!!!!

I know what it is to loose a pet, Andrea. I've lost so many!!! And that's the drama with them. When you take care of one, you know you will probably survive it... *sigh* But so is life. I really hope there is a Big Paradise where I will met with them again when I die! :)

Tony LaRocca a dit…

Thank you very kindly, mercy buckets! Love to you & your little furry ones!

Ces Adorio a dit…

MerlinPrincesse, check out my list. I have an award for you.

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

MP, you've gotten a little fishy!!

Thank you SO much for this award. I shall honor until the day I die. May Anonybird's eggs all rot. HAHA!!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Meow from my furry ones, Tony! :)

OH!!! CES!!!! Thanks! hhehehehe!

I'm a Mermaid, Perriette!!!! And it was a pleasure! You indirectly received it from Anon, you know! :)

Anonymous a dit…

I would like to be CLEAR I had NOTHING to do with Perriette receiving such an award! She can't even tell a fish from a mermaid!

Ces Adorio a dit…

MerlinPrincesse's mermaid's eyes are so mesmerizing.

merlinprincesse a dit…

You gave it to moi, Anon and I gave it to her so you gave it to her! Mwhahahhaha! };-} Simple maths!

Mermairizing, CES? :)

Aravis a dit…

You're so sweet! Now you've made my day. :0)

merlinprincesse a dit…

After the week-end you haD, you deserve it! Hope Hubby is betrer now! :)

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

MP the mermaid! Your cat may eat you!

Congrats and congrats on the awards.

Where is Etsy????????? Don't Go!!!! Am I panicking over nothing? Did you sell out all stock? Wow!!! Where are you???

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

Well blood hell! I was there earlier and NOTHING was showing. Just clicked on your link to your store and YOU ARE STILL THERE!!! Whew.


BoiledEggIn aDeckchair a dit…

I want you to know I forgot what I want you to know.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Perriette, I will never quit Etsy. That's Etsy who is going to throw me awayyyyy! :) I have a nice little lamb I have done that I want to put on my Etsy, but you know I'm missing time....


Anonyme a dit…

So stupid Egghead, mais bon, nevermind!!!!!!!!!!!.......!