samedi, janvier 19, 2008


The Rain In Spain Stays Mainly In The Plain...
Désolée les amis, mais vu les circonstances actuelles, c'est le mieux que jue puisse faire...
Sorry guys, but after the recent events in my life, that's the best I can do....

11 commentaires:

Stick a dit…

It's fantastic!

Anonymous a dit…

WOAHHHH that's not plain at all MerlinPrincesse! Just like the sexy bird who has a new swimming cossie ... ;)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Thanks a lot for the visit, Stick! :)
I admid that this plain is'nt plain at all..hhehehhe... I LOVE your new cossie!!!! You've been visiting Christian Dior this time? :)

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog a dit…

Very nice! I dig your colors a lot! What are you apologizing for???

Anonymous a dit…

MPPPPPPPPPPP I noticed that but what about the plane, it isn't plain either!?! I LOVE my new cossie too!!!! Designed it myself - you've heard how owners start looking like their pets? *BWARK!*

merlinprincesse a dit…

I'm apologizing for not having drawn a nice drawing.... The cow looks like a ...mmm..errrr... anyway... Usually,my drawings are better... But thanks for the encouragment Scott! :)

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnon! If you see a plane over my plian, it's time to clean your screen. Or to stop the booooze! :) So now you're a RedCollarAnonyBird? Meooow! *cleaning my whiskers*....

merlinprincesse a dit…

NOT MY PLIAN! PLAIN!!!! Whatever.

Anonyme a dit…

C'est un très chouette dessin MP.
Mais je ne comprends pas!..
Qui est espagnole: la pluie ou la vache???. passe!

P.S. Ta maman va un peu mieux non?

Anonymous a dit…

MPPPPP Plane = flat surface like the lush green grassed area! That isn't my collar it's my CHEST! KEEP YOUR WISKERS AWAY! I didn't think mermaids would need to shave ...

merlinprincesse a dit…

Tante Rita, c'est une phrase tirée du film "My Fair Lady"... :) Je t'écris bientôt pour te donner des bonnes nouvelles! :)

I knew that, Anon! :) So you're a RedChestedAnonyBird? :) My wiskers have apeared suddenly... Me too becoming more and more like my pets! Meow!

merlinprincesse a dit…

At least, I don't have cat's ears...yet...Hhehehhehe