Voyage à Vancouver: Jeudi le 10 août 2006
Vancouver , August the 10th 2006
Ce jour là, il pleut. Nous allons donc visiter la "Vancouver Art Gallery" où se déroule une exposition d'art Haïda, que j'adore. Pas le droit de prendre des photos, cependant. J'achète le catalogue de l'expo, des auto-collants, des tatoos et un magnifique petit masque haïda.
That day, it was raining, so we went to visit the Vancouver Art Gallery where there is an Haida Art exposition. We can't take photos, though. I buy the catalogue, some stickers, some tatoos and a beautiful haidan mask.
Après l'expo, nous allons dîner à l"'Aphrodite's Cafe" où je m'amuse à prendre des photos de dames bien étranges... :)
After the expo, we go for Lunch at the "Aphrodite's Cafe" where I take some pics of a group of strange ladies... :)
Ensuite, nous décidons d'aller visiter un autre musée, le Musée d'ethnologie, que je ne verrai finalement pas. Je trébuche sur des cones oranges qui ne devraient pas être dans le milieu du chemin. 911-ambulance-urgence!!! J'éprouve de grandes douleurs à la jambe gauche!
Then we decide to go to another museum, the Ethnology Museum. BUT I have an accident just before visiting. I trip on some orange cones that were in the way....blah!!!! 911- ambulance- emergency. I'm in great pain!
Mignon docteur.
Cute doctor.
Genoux mauve. On me donne une injection de morphine. Je suis complètement étourdie et nauséeuse, mais je continue à prendre des photos... On me prend une radio. Pas de fracture.
Mauve knee. They give me morphine and I become dizzy and nauseous. But I go on taking pics... No fracture on the radiography.
Comme dans un rêve.
Like in a dream...
J'ai mal au coeur!!!! Et je suis affreuse!!!
I have nauseas!!! And I am horrible!!!
Heureusement que Mei est là qui veille sur moi..... Et Lapin aussi...
Gladly, Mei is there, watching on me... And Lapin too...
Je quitte l'hôpital vers 21:00heures. Les béquilles ne me serviront pas...
I quit the hospital at about nine pm. The crutches won't be useful.
12 commentaires:
Oh no! If it's not one thing, it's another.
I do hope you are better and out of pain soon.
(By the way, I always try to read the French first and check I've got it 'right' by reading the translation second. Today, I misunderstood and thought you'd tripped over orange cones which were part of an exhibit in the museum. That would have been even more dramatic!)
This was in 2006, Lucy... :) But I must admid I still have pain in my knee. I have a disease called "spondylitis ankylosing" and it does not help! And I can't sit when I work.... :) LOL for tripping on orange cones as an exhibit....
Ouille...OUILLE,,, ouilleee!!!!
Ca doit faire mal ça....!
Heureusement,,, MEI et Lapin étaient là.....!
I was going to say those look like creative types but then ended up in hospital!!!! I once sat in a chair which was the only place to sit in an exhibition. It turned out to be one of the artpieces! But didn't end up in hospital...
C'était il y a 2 ans, tante Rita. J'ai un tipeu procrastiné pour raconter mon voyage à Vancouver. Me voilà presque à la fin...
So you can say, Anon, that you too have been an artpiece in an exhibition! :) *for a short moment*... Did you go to jail instead? :))))
Hhehheheee! They wrote a report and had film footage as evidence but I threatened to sue them for not catering for the disabled. It was the most famous gallery in Australia. I had power then, hhehheeee ;)
WOW! You still have, Anon! Being able to take pics of fishes AND duck at the same time!!!! :) Without anyone understanding.....
How horrible! And yet you never stopped taking pictures. There's dedication for you! *G*
Well, I eventually stopped and slept for a couple of hours. :) Morphine..... I hope I will never have to take that stuff again. IT'S POISON!!!!
I had to take it after having surgery once. It's funny, I didn't feel it or think that it was affecting me in any way. But people were laughing at me afterwards, telling me that I was speaking soooo slooooow.
My grandfather, on the other hand, had a nasty reaction to it when he had to be on it post-op. He had terrible hallucinations about spiders. :0(
It's funny how different bodies respond in different ways.
I had morphine once after an operation.
I thought it was wonderful.
I liked it so much, I understooD why people could get addicted.
The worst thing about morphine was the nauseas! And they have injected me Gravol (dramamine) with it so I was NOT supposed to have nauseas.... I did. BUT ususaly a first dose is one or 2 mg... They gave me 10.... I don't know how some of my patients who take as much ad 60 mg 4 times a day can manage..... I don't have the "addict" gene....
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