mardi, mars 06, 2012


Durant tout le mois de juin 2011, le chat gris s'est vite habitué à venir 2 fois par jour pour recevoir sa petite écuelle de bouffe. Un lien mental s'est peu à peu créé entre nous. Il savait  d'avance quand j'allais arriver de mon travail et attendait patiemment que j'aie nourri mes chats et que je lui apporte sa nourriture.

During all the month of June 2011, the grey cat became used to come and see me twice a day to get his food. We had a mental connection, I think, and he knew when I was arriving from work, late at night. He was then patiently waiting for his dish of food while I was feeding my own cats.

Parfois, le chat gris passait quelques heures à se prélasser sur mon patio. Il était souvent suivi de près par le chat noir dont vous pouvez ici voir les pouces!!! :)

Sometimes, the grey cat was taking some good times on my sundeck, often followed by the black cat. Here you can see this mutant's thumbs! :)

Cinquième partie ici.

Fifth part here.

11 commentaires:

Caroline a dit…

Like mittens!

kj a dit…

how beautiful. he looks so gentle. maybe i should already know, but what is his story?

xoxox mp

merlinprincesse a dit…

@Caroline: Indeed, he looks like wearing little stove mittens... :o)

@KJ: Up to this day, I've not said a lot about the cats, except that they live in the neighbourhood. The grey cat had no collar so I assumed he was a stray cat and began to feed him. The black cat had his little collar so I knew he was not abandonned. At this time, I didn't know their names and where they came from. Both cats were coming to see me every day. But I can't tell all of my story so soon... hhhehehehe.. :o)

kj a dit…

btw, do you ever think of anon and wonder what the heck happened? i cannot believe to this day that she just stopped blogging.

i have worried about her. and i miss her still.


Bimbimbie a dit…

I love the expressions of the visiting cats looking in on you and your cats in the hope you have a big heart to feed them too :)

merlinprincesse a dit…

@KJ I am like you, maam, in total darkness. She never answered to my mails or e-mails. I sent her a card (I had her artist addy) in Sydney, but she never answered.One of my guess would be she was on the net too often and simply decided to stop. Must have been difficult for her to do that. Since she also had problems with her health (kinda arthritis) she may have had a bad period too and may have been to the hostpital for some times... Those are the 2 most possible hypothesis. I am like you. I still think of her sometimes and miss her quirky funny sense of humour. I've made some researches on the web (I had her artist name as an etching artist) but I never manage to find something. I also knew she was in the process of editing (small edition) a book with some of her prints,a thing that would have taken her much time. I think Anon has changed my way of seeing life, and for that, she will always stay my friend. We will meet again, I'm sure of that, in another life! :)

merlinprincesse a dit…

The cats have a way to make you believe they are abandonned... hehehhe.... But let's say those 2 were not especially thin... I remember my sister telling me "Are you sure the grey cat is abandonned? He's fat as a thief!" Hheehhe... Must be my maternal instinct! ;o)

ritadaphné a dit…

Allo ma toi! A quand l'ouverture d'une garderie pour minous esseulés! Ils sont adorables.

Pour ce qui est d'Anon, je n'ai pas été surprise de son départ qu'elle annoçait par ses photos. Triste quand-même de rester dans l'incertitude! Je t'aime, tantinebisous.

Alexiev a dit…

beautiful cat...

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
Proyectos - Illustrations
Alexiev Store - venta de originales
@alexievg en twitter

ritadaphné a dit…

Allo mon artiste préférée! Comment va...? Ritabisous. xxx

merlinprincesse a dit…

Allo! Disons que ça pourrait aller mieux... Je vois des tas de médecins. Je vais prendre une sabbatique de 4 mois en octobre. Je dois me faire opérer. Pour l'instant, je travaille et essaye de me reposer... Je devrais poursuivre mon histoire de chats sur blogger bientôt... J'ai deux semaines de vacances en juillet. J'ai bien hâte...