mardi, novembre 08, 2005


Guest Photograph: Jeff Kirlin

Il s'appelle Jeff Kirlin et vit dans mon état américain préféré: le Maine... Ahhh! Ogunquit et Kennebunk Port... C'est le premier blog que j'ai trouvé (par hasard) sur blogger. Et c'est aussi le plus drôle. Non seulement Jeff est-il un excellent photographe, mais il est aussi très drôle. Il interragit avec les personnes qui lui laissent des messages et ce, toujours de manière très humoristique. Si vous avez les bleus, allez sur son site. Vous allez retrouver le sourire. Merci Jeff!
His name is Jeff Kirlin and he lives in my favorite american state: Maine. AHHH! Ogunquit and Kennebunk Port!...Jeff's blog is the first I've encountered on Blogger. It was a serendipitous event! And this blog is also one of the funniest! Jeff is a very good photograph AND a funny guy. He interacts with his "Gentle Viewers" in an always humoristic way. If you've got the blues, go on his site. Your smile will be back. Thank you very much Jeff!

7 commentaires:

KPK a dit…

Really a GREAT photo!

jkirlin a dit…

Thanks Merlinprincess! A finer tribute was never had. By me anyway. I'm amazed that after seeing my blog first you even bothered continuuing with this endeavor.

Thanks KPK.


neene a dit…

we love jeff

Calvin a dit…

J is the man and a great photographer. He even became the God parent to my kids. :)

Chemical Billy a dit…

Jenn, Jenn, don't make me choose between monkey and jk! I feel like Sophie...

jkirlin a dit…

neene: If you did you'd send me the full sized version of your HOT icon!

calvin: I love them like my own, man. *sniff*

billy: There is more than enough monkey and jk to go around. Myself I'm insanely jealous of monkey's photos. Don't tell him though, I don't want his simian head to swall. :)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Well! Now he interracts with his "Gentle Viewers" on MY blog... LOL.;o)