mardi, novembre 01, 2005


Quelque chose manque sur cette image... MMMMM Cherchez un peu... Vendredi le 28 octobre, mon disque dur s'est planté. Le même jour qu'on annonçait le thème BROKEN sur IllustrationFriday... Bizarre autant qu'étrange. Sur cette image vous pouvez constater l'absence de mon PC ainsi que ma réaction à l'annonce de la perte de toutes mes données... Arrrggghhhh!
Something's missing on this illo. MMMMM Take a goog look...! On Friday Oct. the 28th, my hardrive was forever lost... The same day that the BROKEN theme was announced on Illustrationfriday... Really strange!!! On that image, you can realize that my PC is missing and you can see my reaction learning that all my files were gone...Arrrggghhh!

11 commentaires:

Catnapping a dit…

oh god, i'm soooo sorry. I know that's a horrid thing to have happen. Were your files backed-up?

I try to remember to back up my work, but in all honesty, I think only about half of anything I've done is actually on CDs.

Anonymous a dit…

What a horrifying thing to happen! Think Halloween had something to do with it! I like the fact you are upside down :) Nice collage!!

Todd DeWolf a dit…

Oh I feel for you. Losing computer files is a huge pain. This is an interesting take on the theme. Well done.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Catnapping: Some were. I had the chance to put my pics on cd's 2 weeks ago. And some of my creations. But I lost all my adresses and fav links. I manage to find all of them exept 2. Will search again. And lost all of my texts. No more procrastination for me... Snif.
Anonymous: Yep very very spooky!And I was REALLY UPSIDE DOWN. ;O)
hOLLY: Thanks for the compliment!

carla a dit…

Oh, you must have been absolutely freaked out! I'm glad to hear that you were able to salvage some things. least it gave you a subject for this week's go out and get a nice iomega hard drive and back everything up from now on:>

The Unknown a dit…

Ha Ha at least we can all laugh about it now. Ha ha... umm... we can laugh about it now right? Glad your back.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Carla: You can be sure I will back up everything. Even the backups...:o)
Unknown: We can laugh now. The bad news is that I have lost some of my files (text, scanned pics, music) The good news is that those files were not so important. And as Carla said it gives me a subject for this week illofriday. LOVE.

Unknown a dit…

Nice illo .... but I feel bad for what happen.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Alina: Don't feel bad anymore. It was a good lesson for me...

andrea a dit…

Fantastic idea -- but doesn't all the best art surface from anguish?

merlinprincesse a dit…

Yep anguish ... I'm very "anguished"... ARRRRRRRGGGGH!