dimanche, avril 29, 2007


Image pour/for JorjDotOrg Challenge.

21 commentaires:

Anonymous a dit…

MerlinPrincesse, your ribbons are all tangled up ... go brush your hair!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Tangled ribbons are really in this year... Like brown feathers with white dots... :)

Anonymous a dit…

Did Princesse tell you that!?!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Princesse just told me :"Mew miou miaaa mi mimiou haaaouuu...! Whatever it means.... But NO Princesse never talked about strange pigeons to moi...

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

You are a busy girl with all these challenges. Isn't life challenging enough as it is? Isn't Anon alone enough of a challenge?

Are you saying that tangled ribbons are the new black? Or uncombed hair?

merlinprincesse a dit…

I meant IN!!! As IN and OUT! Hhehhe. Maybe Anon is challenging for you Perriette.... But I can manage... :)*sometimes* And I participate in only a few contests now!

Anonymous a dit…

I have to work more on being more challenging .... might begin with using those ribbons and practising my knotting. OOOPS knotted Perriette and MerlinPrincesse together ...

merlinprincesse a dit…

Nope! Missed again, Hellcat in disquise! :))))

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

Indeed she did. She must have lost her glasses, ooops, on top of her head. If you had fish eyes in this picture, it would be Anon's kind of kink.

You meant "in"? As "in" what? Yes, they are "in". That is what I was asking. You are the one who is challenging, MP. Haha!

CanadianSwiss a dit…

Ca me rapelle un cirque que j'ai vu il y a certainement 15+ années. Une des présentations s'appelait "Noeuds" et ce n'était que 3-4 humains (un peu genre cique du soleil) qui se nouaient en danse expressive. Super!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Anon loves fish eyes? Strange....
"IN" like à la mode Perriette!!!! And I'm not as challenging as I was... No time.... :( Not even for IF....
Les contorsionistes me fascinent, Sandra...Hhehhe :)

andrea a dit…


Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…


merlinprincesse a dit…

Andrea: Thankyouthankyou! :)
Perriette: Oui? :)

Anonymous a dit…

Perriette has one stuck in her throat.

Anonymous a dit…

Ooops, I meant the other end ... hehheeee

merlinprincesse a dit…

Now I understand the "ouiouioui" Hhehehehe! :)

Anonyme a dit…

Y love this modern language!...Je comprends au moins....!

merlinprincesse a dit…

C'est du Franglais, tante Rita! :)))

CanadianSwiss a dit…

Oui, mais j'ai oublié de mentionner qu'à lexeption d'un "string" couleur peau, ils étaient nus! :)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Ohhh! Intéressant, Sandra! :))))