samedi, mai 19, 2007


Tant de signes et si peu de temps....
So many signs, so little time...
Illustration pour/for Illustration Friday.

23 commentaires:

Anonymous a dit…

I can think of one that will do the trick HeeHee! LOVE your hairdo today MerlinPrincesse ... it's very full, just like your image full of signs! SMILE!

studio lolo a dit…

Your signs are so informative!! Very good take on the subject. Watch out for big cats crossing!!

Aravis a dit…

She looks frazzled, and no wonder with all of those signs! *G* Great illo as usual. :0)

Jane a dit…

You made me laugh at the that a sign of maddness??

Great Illo.

merlinprincesse a dit…

This is not EXACTLY moi, Anon...Hhehhehe. But thanks anyway... Smiley is my fave sign too! :)
Lolo: That is not a big cat.... That's a boar.... LOL! :))))
Thank you Aravis... The poor girl is indeed frazzled! :)
Jane, that's a sign of GREAT INTELLIGENCE!!!!! ;o)

Mei Shile a dit…

Ya de quoi perdre la tête! ouf!

Ces Adorio a dit…

She better look at the road. There might be an incoming car! :-)

vfm4 a dit…

i thinks she's lost it - with or without signs... ;-)

captain modroom9 a dit…

Riding off-road would be simpler, but the signs make for a good picture anyway!

Ces Adorio a dit…

What does PSOT on the left side of the image mean?

Caroline a dit…

What a worrying lot of signs!

Joy Eliz a dit…

Look at that wind-blown hair... Gorgeous!!!
If your on a bicycle - only obey the signs that give directions to the icecream shop.

steve a dit…

Ha ha, so true!! Funny and well done work!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Mei, sa tête est en train d'enfler lentement...Hhhehehe...
CES: Don't you know that the Bicycle roads are very LARGE here in Canada... *teehee*
Victorie: Lost in a World of Insignificant Signs.... OH! That would be a nice title for a Sci-Fi novel.... :)
Mushroom: She is on a Road for Cycle!!!! They are really BIG in CANADA, the big COUNTRY at least FOUR times BIGGER than UK!!! Mwhahahhhahaha!
I was creating new signs, all anagrams of STOP... It means nothing, CES... :))))))
Caroline: Plenty is sometimes not enough... HUH? What did I just say?
AH!!!! JOY! You have the answer! :)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Hey! Steve!!!! Your comment suddenly appeared out of nowhere! I've seen your vultures! They are WONDERFUL!!! (Ugly but wonderful)... :P

Anonyme a dit…

Trop de signes, beaucoup trop...
Submergé par les signes...

merlinprincesse a dit…

C'est la réalité de notre époque, Marc.... Mais certains signes sont plus intéressants que d'autres..Hheheheh! :)

Anonyme a dit…

J'aime bien ton image, Merlinprincesse: le grain, les contrastes saturés, les tons... et surtout ce petit air qu'elle a, façon: "Je vous conchie chers poteaux putrides. Moi je pars à contre-sens vers ma liberté." La bave du poteau n'atteint pas la fille au vélo !

Twisselman a dit…

Gotta see it up close, so much to see. Really like the tie-dye effect on her shirt. Great expression on her face.
And we have wild boars out and about around these parts. Wily critters.

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

They are not like roses, you don't have to stop and smell them all...or in this case "read" them.

I caught you sneaking around my house when I wasn't home, you bad kitty. Forgot to put out my "No Trespassing" sign!

valerie walsh a dit…

so true!!! great and clever idea! i love the girl!

Nancy Bea Miller a dit…

Fantastique! Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire avec tous les signes?

Anonyme a dit…

Bizarre ce signe dans le ciel!...