dimanche, juillet 29, 2007

I'M RICH!!!!

Voyez le message que je viens de recevoir par e-mail! MAIS OÙ SONT DONC LES FILTRES ANTI-POURRIELS QUE JE SUIS SUPPOSÉ AVOIR??????
Here is the message I just received by e-mail! WHERE ARE MY JUNK FILTERS??????

Dear Winner,Your ticket number: (**********) with Serial number (*********) drew the lucky number: 29 Congratulations, you have just won yourself£1,293,634 pounds (ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY THREE THOUSAND,SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY FOUR POUND STERLING) in the satellite software email lottery conducted by UK NATIONAL LOTTERY inwhich e-mail addresses are picked randomly by software powered by the Internet. Your email address was chosen for this quarter(no ticket was sold) and you are to contact our Financial Controllerfor Clearance: CLAIMS AGENTMRS SUSAN THOMASEmai:( blablabla)(Here was the e-mail address)
you are to forward the following details to enable us clear your file for payment:Full NamesAddressAgeSexOccupationPhone numbersCountryYours faithfully,Darryn Clarke(Mrs) Online coordinator for UK NATIONAL LOTTERY

Je suis tellement chanceuse!!! :) Merci Mme Darryn Clarke...
I'M SOOOOO LUCKY!!!! :) Thank you Mrs Darryn Clarke.....


11 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Ta vie privée ne nous regarde pas !
Douce journée

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

What a let down! Where is that pot of gold you deserve, MP? Are you sitting on it..hehhehee

merlinprincesse a dit…

Olivier!!! Je suis millionaire!!! Hheheheh....mmmm.....Bien sûr, je n'ai pas répondu à ce e-mail... :)

The pot of gold is gone.... Those were chocolate gold dollars.... Numnum.... :)

CanadianSwiss a dit…

Moi je reçois ceux ou on me demande d'investir de l'argent (que je n'ai pas)... et un papier avec mon entête (faudrait en créer une)... avec ma signature au bas (ok, ça c'est pas trop dur)....


Anonymous a dit…

OOOOHHHH this is why Perriette was saying your butt was at the end of the rainbow :)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Y nous prennent tu pour des valises! Hhehehe (Lâ lâ je parles en québécois) Hhehehe! PAS TA SIGHATURE, Sandra!!!!! :)
Yup Anon..... Want to share my millions? I have too much! :))))

Anonyme a dit…

j'en reçois souvent des comme ça...Une vingtaine de spams par jour!
Medicaments, loto,pour investir mon argent et beaucoup d'autres de jeunes femmes dévétues, d'hommes aussi...Qui passe directement à la poubelle!
L'anti spam n'est pas très efficace!
Bonne journée

Ces Adorio a dit…

I hate news like these. I use to get them all the time in the nineties through my work email(!!!) but they were from Nigeria and they told me I can claim the fortune left by a wealthy millionaire who was in a plane crash and had no heir, all I needed to do was to send them my bank account number and SS number.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Une vingtaine Marc!!! WOW! Moi j'en ai seulement un de temps en temps.... :) J'ai un anti-spam assez efficace somme toute! :)

LOL! Ces!!! My sister has received many times the African one! It's almost an urban legend! :)

Anonymous a dit…

Yes please!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Sendig you some,Anon! A bird is bringing it to you! OUPS! I forgot to put the million in the envelope! Well! You can keep the bird! Mwahhahahahah! :)