mercredi, juin 13, 2007


Nuit, brouillard, gadoue, froid, humidité, grésil et neige. C'est chouette la fameuse parade du Carnaval de Québec!!!! Hheheh. On a eu ben du fun quand même. C'était en février dernier... Photo dédiée à tous ceux qui souffrent de la chaleur... :)

Night, fog, slush, cold, dampness, freezing rain and snow! Cool the famous Quebec Winter Carnival Parade!!!! Hhehhe. BUT we had fun! It was last February... This image is for all those who don't like heat... :)

Photo pour/for "NIGHT" (Tuesday Challenge)


*Oh I,m so wise.... Je suis tellement rusée...*

Photo pour/for "FAMOUS" (

25 commentaires:

BoiledEggIn aDeckchair a dit…

You've got big balloons.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Hhehehe! I sure do! :))))

Anonymous a dit…

Excuse me, don't mean to interrupt or *POP* your balloons, but WINTER ISN'T COOL OR FUN, IT'S FREEZING and stormy and hailing and raining!!!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Here, we have some really cool stuff for winter. It's called clothes! :) The colder is our Winter, the nicer it is. I admit though, that the worst weather is when it's just around zero and it's stormy and hailing and raining or freezingraining.... This is AWFUL!
A nice minus 10 with sun and white snow and good coat is really FUN! :)

Anonyme a dit…

J'aime les ballons...I love balloons !

Je traduis sinon tes visiteurs vont te le demander :-)))))

DOuce soirée

Tony LaRocca a dit…

aargh! Attack of the balloon people!

Ces Adorio a dit…

For a moment I thought Canada had special weather grant. It is stiffling hot down here. It is making me sick and tired but I can't stand the freezing cold, even if I wear clothes.

Merlin princess, I just want to let you know that I am just now visiting my blogger friends after being away and I did not wait to visit all the letters before "M", so I hope you won't cry at Anony's anymore.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Olivier!!! Pas besoin de traduire!!! :))))
Tony: KILLER balloon people! :)
CES: Canada has regular temperature. Those days, it's just nice (between 25° and 30°C)... Me, I can't stand wet hot days! I die when it's tooooo humid! :(
OH! And at Anony's place, I was NOT really crying.... Just teasing Anon! :))))

Joy Eliz a dit…

Oh this looks very fun!!! Cold but fun! I don't think Anony gets to have an oppinion about winter since she doesnt' live in true 'Winter' area. Blah!

kj a dit…

well, i'm coming to visit your blog soon.


CanadianSwiss a dit…

T'as raison, rien de plus beau qu'un vrai hiver. Ici en Europe, c'est surtout un "froid" (entre -2° et +5°C) très humide. Pas très l'fun!

T'es vraiment rusée... Heheh!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Joy! I think Anon KNOWS Winter....Hhehhehe. :)
KJ: OK! :) It will be an honor! :)
Sandra: Allo!!!!! Je suis un tantinet tannée des concours..Hhehhe.. Sauf Illustration Friday. :)

Willie Baronet a dit…


And did you see this person's name:

merlinprincesse a dit…

Yes I did yesterday....:) She left a comment somewhere on one of my post! :) Funny! :)

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

It is still winter in Canada?? Yikes! Stay away from the balloons, MP, or you may float away.

merlinprincesse a dit…

In Quebec today 30°C (with humidex, 34°C...) Meaning 83°F (93). Were going to have some thunderstorms tonight! :))))

Anonymous a dit…

I'm visiting alphabetically backwards today!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Nnananananana! (For Mushroom and Perriette)...

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

"nnananana"? Mushroom? Blah! Anony is always backwards.

Anonymous a dit…

Etteirrep halb annannannan!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Mushroom=Modroom, Perriette!!!

You are the reincarnation of Leonardo, Anon? :D (Oirpac id ton on!...)

Anonymous a dit…

I couldn't be because never received the letter from BoiledEggInADeckchair

merlinprincesse a dit…

Don't cry, Anon. Here's a letter for ya: K.

Anonymous a dit…


merlinprincesse a dit…

NONONONO! PFT are 3 letters. I just gave you ONE! :))))