Nuit, brouillard, gadoue, froid, humidité, grésil et neige. C'est chouette la fameuse parade du Carnaval de Québec!!!! Hheheh. On a eu ben du fun quand même. C'était en février dernier... Photo dédiée à tous ceux qui souffrent de la chaleur... :)
Night, fog, slush, cold, dampness, freezing rain and snow! Cool the famous Quebec Winter Carnival Parade!!!! Hhehhe. BUT we had fun! It was last February... This image is for all those who don't like heat... :)
Photo pour/for "NIGHT" (Tuesday Challenge)
*Oh I,m so wise.... Je suis tellement rusée...*
Photo pour/for "FAMOUS" (
25 commentaires:
You've got big balloons.
Hhehehe! I sure do! :))))
Excuse me, don't mean to interrupt or *POP* your balloons, but WINTER ISN'T COOL OR FUN, IT'S FREEZING and stormy and hailing and raining!!!
Here, we have some really cool stuff for winter. It's called clothes! :) The colder is our Winter, the nicer it is. I admit though, that the worst weather is when it's just around zero and it's stormy and hailing and raining or freezingraining.... This is AWFUL!
A nice minus 10 with sun and white snow and good coat is really FUN! :)
J'aime les ballons...I love balloons !
Je traduis sinon tes visiteurs vont te le demander :-)))))
DOuce soirée
aargh! Attack of the balloon people!
For a moment I thought Canada had special weather grant. It is stiffling hot down here. It is making me sick and tired but I can't stand the freezing cold, even if I wear clothes.
Merlin princess, I just want to let you know that I am just now visiting my blogger friends after being away and I did not wait to visit all the letters before "M", so I hope you won't cry at Anony's anymore.
Olivier!!! Pas besoin de traduire!!! :))))
Tony: KILLER balloon people! :)
CES: Canada has regular temperature. Those days, it's just nice (between 25° and 30°C)... Me, I can't stand wet hot days! I die when it's tooooo humid! :(
OH! And at Anony's place, I was NOT really crying.... Just teasing Anon! :))))
Oh this looks very fun!!! Cold but fun! I don't think Anony gets to have an oppinion about winter since she doesnt' live in true 'Winter' area. Blah!
well, i'm coming to visit your blog soon.
T'as raison, rien de plus beau qu'un vrai hiver. Ici en Europe, c'est surtout un "froid" (entre -2° et +5°C) très humide. Pas très l'fun!
T'es vraiment rusée... Heheh!
Joy! I think Anon KNOWS Winter....Hhehhehe. :)
KJ: OK! :) It will be an honor! :)
Sandra: Allo!!!!! Je suis un tantinet tannée des concours..Hhehhe.. Sauf Illustration Friday. :)
And did you see this person's name:
Yes I did yesterday....:) She left a comment somewhere on one of my post! :) Funny! :)
It is still winter in Canada?? Yikes! Stay away from the balloons, MP, or you may float away.
In Quebec today 30°C (with humidex, 34°C...) Meaning 83°F (93). Were going to have some thunderstorms tonight! :))))
I'm visiting alphabetically backwards today!
Nnananananana! (For Mushroom and Perriette)...
"nnananana"? Mushroom? Blah! Anony is always backwards.
Etteirrep halb annannannan!
Mushroom=Modroom, Perriette!!!
You are the reincarnation of Leonardo, Anon? :D (Oirpac id ton on!...)
I couldn't be because never received the letter from BoiledEggInADeckchair
Don't cry, Anon. Here's a letter for ya: K.
NONONONO! PFT are 3 letters. I just gave you ONE! :))))
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