Samedi dernier, le thème du coucours sur Shutterday était "Quelle est votre meilleure photo?" J'ai fait le tour de mes images. Il y en avait tant que je ne savais laquelle choisir. J'aurais voulu toutes les montrer. Puis je me suis demandé quelle était la raison qui faisait qu'une photo était extraordinaire..... Et je me suis rendu compte qu'il pouvait y en avoir plusieurs. Des tas même. Et que tout ça est aléatoire, relatif à chaque individu. Quelle serait donc, me suis-je demandé alors, la meilleure photo que j'aurais aimé faire.... Et la réponse est venue instantannément! Une photo de la terre, vue de la lune.... Ouais.... Je pense que je ne réaliserai jamais cette image.... Hehehehe. Voici donc la photo que j'ai "faite" qui remplace l'image de la terre vue de la lune... :) C'est mon image préférée.... pour le moment. J'étais dans un avion quand soudain......!!!!!!
Last Saturday, the theme on Shutterday was "What is your best image?". So I have taken a look at all my pics . There were so many I would have like to show!!! But wich one? Then I asked myself what made an image wonderful. And I realized that there could be many reasons for that. And that it was in fact random... Different for each person. Different for each period of one's life. So I asked myself what would be the best photo I would have liked to make. The answer came instantaneously: a pic of the Earth taken from the Moon....Hhehhehe... BUT I think I will never take that pic! :) Sooooooooo.... Here is the image I want you to see to replace the Earth photo.... It's my fave... for now. I was in a plane when suddenly.....!!!!!!
Last Saturday, the theme on Shutterday was "What is your best image?". So I have taken a look at all my pics . There were so many I would have like to show!!! But wich one? Then I asked myself what made an image wonderful. And I realized that there could be many reasons for that. And that it was in fact random... Different for each person. Different for each period of one's life. So I asked myself what would be the best photo I would have liked to make. The answer came instantaneously: a pic of the Earth taken from the Moon....Hhehhehe... BUT I think I will never take that pic! :) Sooooooooo.... Here is the image I want you to see to replace the Earth photo.... It's my fave... for now. I was in a plane when suddenly.....!!!!!!
For the guys at Shutterday: WHAT!!!!! This was supposed to be my post for "BEST" and now it has changed!!!!!! For "FREEDOM"!!!! Argh! OK I post it anyway. I guess there is a certain FREEDOM in that image...AHHHHH! Flying on the wing of a plane with wind in your hair....errr...fur.... Feel FREE to delete it BUT I think one should have the FREEDOM to post what one wants! :)))))) *I'm soooo funny*
10 commentaires:
OH NO! HELP Merlin! I don't think he feels free!
Are U sure Anon? ;o)
That poor kitty. "Help!" is right.
I don't think Merlin's clinging for dear life--- I think Merlin flew up and attacked the plane, the way all good hunters chase down their prey! *G*
Ces! Aravis has it all right! The poor Kitty is a SuperKitty and is attacking the plane to eat it! Aravis, you're a genius!!!! :) The Helllp cry is from the plane!!!Hheheehehhe!
Mais ce n'est qu'une grosse sourie ... avec des ailes :) Attaque, Merlin!
"Ca me coupe les ailes"!...Le pilote de l'avion.....!
LOL les girlz! :)
Oh My!! hehehehe Hang on Kitty!!!
The Kitty has eaten the plane (BIGBIGBIRD), Perriette! }:-}
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