dimanche, juin 24, 2007


Une nouvelle race de chat vient de faire son apparition: le Chat-méléon. Son mimétisme est parfait. Un seul problème: il est parfois difficile de le localiser dans la maison...

A new race of cats have just been created: the Cat-Meleon. It's mimetism is purrrfect, The problem is that he is often difficult to find in the house...

Image pour/for
Illustration Friday.

25 commentaires:

Anonymous a dit…

Not only is he well camouflaged, he looks tasty and has a tasty sounding name! Heehee.

Anonyme a dit…

Chat-melon ;-)
Bon dimanche

Joy Eliz a dit…

I could never have a cat like that - it's bad enough I'm always accidently stepping on my cats here. But then again they like to lay at my feet or behind be when I'm washing dishes... I guess it's not all my fault. I still feel guilty though.
I love this illo!

CanadianSwiss a dit…

Superbe illustration! Par contre, même si Dale n'a pas ces couleurs, il est maître de la cachette.

° a dit…

mice color and composition like that nre cat breed too

merlinprincesse a dit…

Birds don't eat cats, Anon... Unless you're feeling like a vulture...Hhehehehe.

Bon dimanche, Olivier!!! :)

Joy, I have the same problem with Merlin and Princesse. Especially with Merlin. He's like a dog, following me everywhere... And I've stepped on him or his poor tail many times... :( OH! I've received your book!!!!! LOVE IT! :)

Comme Mademoiselle Princesse, Sandra! :)

md: Thanks! :))))

Maxime a dit…

J'aimerais bien avoir le même. Est-ce qu'il est fourni avec des couvertures écossaises ?

Anonymous a dit…

He looks like melted jelly beans!

Aravis a dit…

This is so very cool! I love how it turned out.

Er, I mean this cat is very talented and unusual. :0)

captain modroom9 a dit…

The sumptuous colours and textures I like a lot.. purrrfect.

Anonyme a dit…

you have camouflaged the melons! i could never eat a cat. it would be against my religion.

Anonyme a dit…

Aussi un chat méli-mélo!. Je l'ai entrevu ce matin bouffant mes pavots!..

merlinprincesse a dit…

Ah! Maxime! Tu connais la chanson: "Un caméléon est mort de fatigue sur une jupe écossaise..." :)

Now, I understand what you meant,Anon. But this HE is a SHE... Hhehhehe Mademoiselle Princesse herself! :)

Thanks Aravis... :O)

Mushroom... that's what I said, purrrrfect...Hheheheh....

Octoboooooby: In what religion can we eat a cat?...Yeech...

Un chat qui bouffe les pavots? Sûrement un junkie!!!! :)

Anonymous a dit…

OH! I didn't recognise Princesse! She is well camoflauged :) I always thought that word was spelt camouflagued ... it looks wrong the other way.

merlinprincesse a dit…

In my dictionary (Webster) it's camouflaged.... Australian is a bit different, I guess.. Hhehehehhehehhehehehe *coughcoughcough*

Anonymous a dit…

There is NOTHING wrong with being DIFFERENT! Ask Princesse, she looks like melted jelly beans!

Ces Adorio a dit…

For a while I thought you were reporting some scientific discovery. I should have know, this is cat territory. Very very clever Merlin Princesse.

Ces Adorio a dit…

I had to jump to M so I can visit you this morning instead of this evening. I have to go now.

Mademoiselle Princesse a dit…

I'll show you what difference REALLY is!!!! *vomit* *scratching Anonybird's eye*

merlinprincesse a dit…

Hello CES! Hhehehe! Chameleon-cat would be THE discovery of the Century!!!! :) I'll go visit too! :)

Anonymous a dit…

That just WASN'T NICE!

Mademoiselle Princesse a dit…

And whooooo is the one calling me "melted jelly beans"..mmmm? BLAH!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Helloooo, Cal! Long time no see (and talk) hehehehe! How are the kids! :)

Madcap Baroness with Teacup a dit…

A rainbow kitty!

merlinprincesse a dit…

A rainbow Princesse! :)