jeudi, juin 28, 2007


Cousines ayant du fun ensemble! Elles essayaient de me faire peur et moi j'essayais de les prendre en photo!!!!! :) Bien sûr que je m'amusais moi aussi!!!!
Cousins having fun together! They were trying to afraid me :) and I was trying to take a pic! Sure! I had fun too!
Photo pour/for JorgDotOrg Photohunt.

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Elles sont craquantes avec leurs jolis minois espiègles!.
Les longues pattes, avec des bas blancs, c'est un lapin?..

merlinprincesse a dit…

Non! Je pense que c'était un cheval de plastique... :)

Ces Adorio a dit…

Oh! they are absolutely adorable!

Anonymous a dit…

I love how you captured their delight in this photo! Perfect image of two best friends and how beautiful they are before teenagers :)))

merlinprincesse a dit…

I think they were only 4 or 5 then. They are still beautiful today! :) But they don't laugh as easily as then! YO!