jeudi, août 30, 2007

Test 2

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8 commentaires:

Snowflake The Beautiful a dit…

Ooooh! A rabbit, arabbit! Long live the rabbits!!!

Ces Adorio a dit…

I like this one too!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Thanks! I took anything small in my files..Hhehehe.... ATCs... :)
Yes!!! long live the rabbits!:)

Anonyme a dit…

Chuuuttt!.....Y faut pas le dire mais c'est l'agent 007 déguisé!!!.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Hheheeh! Mais non! C'est le Lapin Blanc d'Alice!

Tara LaMar a dit…

OH, I LOVE this rabbit. Is he up for trade?

merlinprincesse a dit…

OH! :( It has been traded a few weeks ago... Almost all my cards are... On Flick'r or I really have not much left! :(((

Tara LaMar a dit…
