lundi, septembre 24, 2007


31 Juillet 2006
July 31rst 2006

Parler de Louis Riel n'est pas facile. Il serait très long de raconter sa vie pleine de rebondissements, mais vous pouvez consulter sa biographie

To talk about Louis Riel is not easy. He had a short life but many event occured durint it. You can read more about him
here .

(English will follow)
Louis Riel est né en 1844. Il était Métis, à la fois Canadien-français et Autochtone. Il est aujourd'hui considéré comme le fondateur du Manitoba, défenseur des droits des Métis et des Canadiens-français. Mais cet reconnaissance est relativement récente, puisqu'il a longtemps été vu comme un traitre. L'histoire de Riel est complexe. Elle implique les Métis et le gouvernement Canadien-anglais de l'époque qui voulait annexer (pour des raisons politiques et économiques évidentes) les colonies du Manitoba au Canada. Il ne pouvait en résulter que des frictions entre les Canadiens-français et les Métis de l'époque, presque tous catholiques, et le gouvernement anglais protestant. Plusieurs altercations eurent lieu entre les opposants au régime brittanique et les Anglais. Riel forma même un gouvernement provisoire dont il fut élu président.
Le 12 mai 1870, le parlement canadien votait la loi du Manitoba rédigée d'après la liste des droits des Métis.
Une section protégeait les terres des Métis en garantissait le droit à leur religion et à leur langue à la législature et dans les cours.
Riel, à la tête du gouvernement provisoire, devait maintenir l'ordre et la paix en attendant l'arrivée du premier lieutenant-gouverneur, Adams G. Archibald, et la troupe du Colonel Wolseley qui l'accompagnait.
Malheureusement, Riel devra s'exiler à cause d'événements trop compliqués pour raconter ici. Il ne reviendra au Manitoba que quelques années plus tard, pour être impliqué dans une rébellion des Métis. Les Métis durent capituler et Riel fut emprisonné.
Le 6 juillet 1885, Riel fut accusé de haute trahison.
Le procès commença le 20 juillet, avec Riel plaidant non-coupable. Ce procès aura des conséquences désastreuses pour Riel et pour le Canada. Le jury était entièrement anglo-saxon et protestant. L'avocat de Riel voulut plaider la folie et l'irresponsabilité de Riel. Riel s'objecta tellement à cette stratégie que ses avocats obtinrent du juge que Riel n'ait pas la permission de parler.
Le 21 juillet, la cour fut ajournée pour laisser le temps aux témoins de se présenter. À compter du 28 juillet, les interrogatoires se poursuivirent jusqu'au 1er août et Riel fut condamné à être pendu le 18 septembre. Alors commença une série d'appels, le premier à la Cour du banc de la Reine du Manitoba, qui, le 2 septembre, confirma la première sentence. L'appel réussit à reculer l'exécution au 16 octobre. Un deuxième appel au Conseil Privé rejeta la demande du condamné et l'exécution fut fixée au 10 novembre. Suite aux pressions émises par l'Ontario et le Québec, Macdonald, indécis de la décision qu'il devait prendre, recula une troisième fois la date d'exécution pour permettre à une commission médicale d'examiner Riel. La date d'exécution fut fixée au 16 novembre, la commission n'ayant pu le déclarer fou.

Riel mourut sur l'échafaud le 16 novembre 1885.

Louis Riel was born in 1844. He was a Metis, both French Canadian and Autochton. He is acknowledge today as the founder of the Province of Manitoba and defender of the rights of the Métis and of French Canadians. But that is relatively recent. Riel has been considered for a long time as a traitor... Riel's history is complex. It implies the Metis people and the English Canadian government who wanted to annex the Manitoba colonies for some obvious political and economical reasons... Only problems could result from that, because the Metis and French Canadians were Catholics (and spoke French) and the English were Protestants. Many altercations occured during that period. Riel even created a Provisional Government and became its president .
On May 12, 1870, the Manitoba Act, based on the Métis "List of Rights," was passed by the Canadian Parliament. One section protected Métis' lands and guaranteed the right to their religion and to the use of their language in the Legislature and the courts.
Riel, as head of the Provisional Government, was to maintain peace and order while awaiting the arrival of the first lieutenant governor, Adams G. Archibald, and Colonel Wolseley's troops, which were accompanying him.
Sadly, Riel had to go on exile because of events to complicated to talk about here... He came back to Manitoba a few years later and was implied in a Metis Rebellion. But the Metis had finally to capitulate. Riel was jailed.
On July 6, 1885, Riel was charged with high treason.
The trial opened on July 20, with Riel pleading not guilty. This trial was to have disastrous consequences for Riel and for Canada. The jury was entirely Anglo-Saxon and Protestant. Riel's lawer wanted to plead that Riel was insane and not responsible for his acts. Riel was so opposed to this strategy that his lawyers had the judge rule that he did not have permission to speak.
On July 21, the court was adjourned for one week to allow enough time for the witnesses to appear. The examination of the witnesses began on July 28 and continued through to August 1.
Riel was sentenced to hang on September 18. Then a series of appeals began. The first one was to the Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench which affirmed the original sentence on September 2. The appeal succeeded, however, in having the execution postponed until October 16.
A second appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council was dismissed and the execution was set for November 10. Macdonald (Canada's Prime), uncertain what decision to make, yielded to pressure from Ontario and Quebec and granted a third reprieve to enable a medical commission to examine Riel.
When the commission was unable to pronounce him insane, the date of execution was set for November 16.
Riel died on November 16th, 1885.

Encore aujourd'hui, à la fois dans l'Ouest et au Québec, Louis Riel est considéré comme un héro. Le gouvernement du Manitoba a rétabli sa réputation.


Quelqu'un avait déposé cette offrande. Qui? Je n'en sais rien. Ai-je ouvert la boite? .......Peut-être. Vous verrez DEMAIN! :)

Today, in Quebec and in the Western part of Canada, Louis Riel is still seen as a hero. Manitoba has give him back his reputation.


Someone had put there a gift for Riel. Who? I don't know. Did I open the box?..... Maybe. You'll see TOMORROW! :))))))

7 commentaires:

Anonymous a dit…

It's a lovely crafted necklace :) OPEN THE BOX!!!! Now I know who Riel is ...

merlinprincesse a dit…

I almost stole it, Anon...Hheheh... Nope, I'm joking! I think I've only said a few things about Riel. The reality is much more complicated. It was only in the Nineties (yes 1990) that Riel has ceased to be considered as a traitor... :) Now he has his bridge, his place, his statue, his mall... etc etc etc...
Will oooopen the box tomorrow. I promise! :)

Lavender a dit…

Fascinating! Outrageous! My goodness, nothing new under the sun, is there? One minute your a hero and the next a traitor and in this then I guess Riel is one of the lucky ones - to in the end have his honour restored...Thank you Merlinprincesse - a very interesting post indeed!
Now I will try to guess the boxes contents untill I see your next entry! Cheers!

Anonymous a dit…

History is re-written all the time ... Is it a dead bird or flower?

merlinprincesse a dit…

Yup, you are right girls. :) But nothing can repair the fact that Louis Riel has been hanged... Nothing....
Now, time to open the box...

Ces Adorio a dit…

This is a lovely post MP and it gave me goosebumps. Oh the complexities of governments. I see why Riel is a hero and indeed a great hero.

merlinprincesse a dit…

This hanging was orchestred by the English government to set an example for the French and Metis. It worked... But I know that Riel was not guilty.... :(