(English at the end)
Il était encore là ce matin. À attendre… Mais cette fois, je ne lui ai rien donné car je sais que si je lui sers de la bouffe, in reviendra encore plus souvent. Je me demande comment il fait pour arriver exactement au moment où j’ouvre la boite de conserve…. Toutes les fenêtres sont fermées! Un lien étrange nous unit, ce chat et moi.
Il était encore là ce matin. À attendre… Mais cette fois, je ne lui ai rien donné car je sais que si je lui sers de la bouffe, in reviendra encore plus souvent. Je me demande comment il fait pour arriver exactement au moment où j’ouvre la boite de conserve…. Toutes les fenêtres sont fermées! Un lien étrange nous unit, ce chat et moi.
Quand j’étais petite, j’avais un don. Je pouvais approcher tous les chats ou les chiens, même les cabots qui jappaient très fort ou les chats sauvages sur la ferme de ma tante Marie-Paule… En vieillissant, je croyais avoir perdu le don. Je pense qu’il est juste enfoui en moi, inhibé par des années de croyances stupides… Attention! Tu vas te faire mordre!!! Attention! Tu vas te faire griffer. Petite, je n’avais pas peur. Maintenant, la société m’a imposé cette peur… En plus d’une certaine « non confiance en moi »…
Je me sens triste aujourd’hui. C’est novembre, le pire mois de l’année pour moi. Ou peut-être est-ce cette mauvaise bronchite ou encore le mélancolique « Adagio pour cordes » de Barber qui joue à la radio… Toujours est-il qu’à la fin de l’adagio, le chat était parti…
Mais je m’égare…. Je dois d’abord vous raconter le début de mon histoire…
(À suivre)
He was still there this morning. Waiting ... But this time, I didn’t give him anything because I know that if I feed him, he will come back in more often. I wonder how he can manage to be there exactly when I open the can.... All windows are closed! There’s definitely an invisible link between the cat and me.
When I was a little girl, I had a gift. I could come close and cuddle all cats or dogs. Even the mutts barking very loud or wild cats on the farm of my aunt Marie-Paule... As I got older, I thought I had lost the gift. I think it's just buried in me, inhibited by years of stupid beliefs ... “BEWARE! You'll get bitten! BEWARE! You'll get scratched.” As a child, I was not afraid. Now, the society has imposed this fear to me ... In addition to some "no confidence in me".
I feel sad today. That’s what November does to me. Or maybe it is this bad bronchitis or the melancholy of the “Adagio for Strings" by Barber which plays on the radio ... At the end of the adagio, the cat was gone ...
I digress.... I should first talk to you about the beginning of my story…
(More to follow)
6 commentaires:
Cats have a sense for when food is available. This one looks well-fed, so there's no need to feel guilty for not contributing to his weight gain. *G*
I know what you mean about connecting with all animals no matter how fierce they appear, until we are taught to fear them. I still usually approach but with a lot more caution than before.
I'm sorry that you're feeling down! I hope that your bronchitis clears up soon. Perhaps that will help, if only a little. Be well.
HI! Aravis :) Happy to read you. I know animals still connect with me, as you will see in the next few posts! hehehhehe.... It's only that this particular cat is so gentle.... He's a good cat.... let's say no more.... an oportunist good cat... And for my bronchopneumonia, I have been taking antibiotics for a few days now, and I'm beginning to feel bettah! :)
It's so hard to turn away a good and gentle cat. They certainly know how to turn on the charm! :0)
I'm glad to hear that you're beginning to feel better, and am looking forward to your future posts!
is Fall your favorite season? November is saying good-bye to all that is gold here. The season of the grays is coming too fast to suit me.
Glad to see your post, get to feeling better my friend.
OHHH! No Lilah, my fave season is on the contrary Spring. Since we have a lot of snow here, I begin to feel better in January, when the snow is all white and the sun is shining. But at the end of March, I have enough of all tha snow, since we have to fight it all Winter, and in April, when it's all gone, it's a real relief! :)In fact, it's related to light!
Veery nice blog you have here
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