lundi, février 26, 2007


Quand j'ai vu le thème du concours de cette semaine sur PhotoSharks (masculine) la première chose à laquelle j'ai pensé c'est "guerre"..... Un peu triste n'est-ce pas....

When I saw the theme of this week contest on PhotoSharks (masculine) the first thing that came to my mind was "war"... And that's a bit sad....

10 commentaires:

Aravis a dit…

It's sad. Seeing old photos, especially of soldiers, also tends to make me feel sad. I look at them and wonder how things turned out. How many lived? That sort of thing. Those smiling faces who don't know what lies ahead...

CanadianSwiss a dit…

WWII - ou n'importe quelle guerre, pour ce fait, rend triste. Un fait que je ne voudrais jamais voir ou vivre de près.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Aravis: Those are pics of my father (and so is the big pin). He was a lieutenant in the Canadian Army, and those were his men. I think those images were taken in British Columbia... Me dad teached those men how to fight, throw grenades, thinks like that... During one practice, he had an accident, was at the hospital for many weeks and never went back to the army.... It was in 1942-44... He never went to fight in Europe... So it was not so bad for him. My dad died in 1996. He would be 86 this year.... And I still miss him. He's the man with the moustache, just at the right of the pin... All wars are bad to me. Defense, yes. Attack, no.
Sandra: Il faut chérir la paix car l'équilibre mondial est très précaire..... Une guerre totale pourrait toujours arriver...:(

Aravis a dit…

He was handsome. I know what you mean about still feeling a loss. *hug*

I also agree with you regarding war: defend, don't attack.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Thanks Aravis! I miss him because he was always giving good advices! I really would like to meet a man that would be as intelligent and kind as he was! *sigh* RARE!!!!

Ginnie Hart a dit…

Thinking about the theme "Masculine" reminds me of something I heard years ago. If more women were in positions of power around the world, we would negotiate and NOT go to war!

Is the day coming???

I like your words about your dad in your comments. Thank you for saying them.

BTW, yours is one of the templates I like but I think you've tweaked it a bit? I may have to ask you about it later.

Anonyme a dit…

La vision de la guerre reste la même d'un continent à l'autre :-(

Sinon, la photo des photos ;-) est vraiment filmographique...Bravo !

merlinprincesse a dit…

Ginnie: I have played with the html code of my template one year ago. I don't remember what I did. But for Photo et Réflexions, I don't use the new functions, cause I would loose all what is in my sidebar. So I still play with the html, mostly to change colour of the background. I still use the old black regular template...

Olivier: Nous sommes une famille de photographes! J'ai donc beaucoup de photos remontant jusqu'au début du xxème siècle! :) J'ai d'autre images de ces montages que j'enverrai probablement sur Flick'r....quand j'aurais le temps.
Et je crois que l'idée que se font les gens de la guerre est en train d'évoluer..... Mais les changements se font lentement...

Anonyme a dit…

Cette horrible guerre, heureusement, Maurice n'y était pas!..Je comprends que ton papa te manque. Il nous parlait toujours de ses trois enfants comme étant la prunelle de ses yeux!..
Il vous aimait tant!...

merlinprincesse a dit…

Je sais qu'il nous aimait! Mais je pense que nous ne lui avons pas assez rendu! Heureusement que j'étais là quand il est mort. J'ai pu lui dire certaines choses... :)