(Encore juste en anglais...désolée, mais les "taggueurs" sont tous anglophones...ou presque)
I've been tagged again. By Jean Domel aka Invicta Ocula. The same meme I did last week. This time, I will only post my weird things. Don't be afraid, I will not tag anyone back. So lets RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDEEEEEEEE again.
1- Once, I was driving on the Boulevard de la Capitale, in Québec City. That's a highway and everybody drives like crazy there. Suddenly, I saw in the sky a kind of blue light. It was a very sunny day so it appeared like if a knife had just made a cut in the sky. It was a pale shade of blue. I thing that day, I saw a meteorite. But I'm not certain...
2- After my last year at the University, I decided to go in Europe for 5 weekd with one of my fellow pharmacist girlfriend. We decided to rent a car and visit many cities. After a few weeks of bad weather, we decided to go South, to the Côte d'Azur... We had to drive through Marseille but we got lost. My friend was driving and she was very nervous. In the Port of Marseille, 4 guys in a car shouted at us and my friend said something not very nice, in kind of French Canadian Slang... The guys stopped their car and one of them came toward us, yelling at us. Don't know what he wanted but we were very afraid. Two men walking on the street stopped and helped us. The guy that was attacking us ran away. Me and my friend were both crying and the men gave us some cherries to comfort us and told us how to get out of Marseille. And we did. But a few hours later, we were still looking for a place to spend the night. It was late, very late. In a town wich I don't even remember the name, we asked a policeman if there was any "auberge" where we could stay. He sent us to see a lady who was, with her husband, the owner of a small Hotel. "You are lucky!, she said us, "I have one room left". We were very happy. But the poor lady never found the key of that stupid room. And we finally spent the night on a hard bench, in the kitchen... After that, all went well...
3- I know many people on St-Paul Street, in Québec City. That's the antiquarians street, where my sis has her bookstore. One day, when Gene was about 3 or 4 years old, I decided to take her for a walk in the old part of the city. I was walking. She was in her stroller. Sometimes, I took the "funiculaire", a kind of elevator that takes people from downtown to the "Château Frontenac". But this day, I decided instead to go to visit the Museum of Civilisations". When I went back, on St-Paul street, to my sister's shop, an antiquarian I know stopped me to talk. "Do you know what just happened", he asked me. "The Funiculaire just falled and they said on the radio that some people are dead". At this moment, I felt like if the street would have opened under my feet. "I have to go" I said, cause I knew my sis was certainly very worried. And I also realized that a few days before, I had make this dream. I was in the "funiculaire". It was falling and I was telling the people to jump so they would be saved and would not die...
4-It was the end of Summer, a very nice day and I was at the terrace of a restaurant, with my friend Théo. We were talking and I was telling her about this weird and very frightening dream I had. I was in a city, and a war had just begun. I was seeing some kind of big grey clouds on the ground, coming toward me and I was feeling really bad. Then she told me she also had a strange dream. She was seeing people falling from the top of big buildings. Then she was feeling like one of this person, and knew she had to jump from the window, then was falling but didn't want to die... A week later, it was September the 11th, 2001.
5-A week after the death of my brother-in-law, in 2000, I decided to go to an animal shelter to get another cat. I wanted to do something for Gene, who had just lost her father and I told her she would choose the cat and be it's godmother. She saw this cute little half-siamese female. And that was the one she wanted me to pick. But the cat was very independant. She was not at all looking at us and was having fun in her cage with some kind of toy. I finally agreed to Gene's choice having the premonition that I was going to have many problems with that cat. But I didn't. Princesse is still with me, the kindest half-siamese of all. And Gene loves her and Merlin. This time my premonition was not right... :o)