samedi, décembre 03, 2005


Les événements du 11 septembre 2001 seront à jamais gravés dans notre mémoire collective. Liberté, le blues de New-York.
All the events of September 11th 2001 are forever in our collective memory. Liberty, The New-York's Blues.

J'ai déjà présenté cette photo. Cette fois-ci, elle est encore plus transformée avec Photoshop.
I've already presented this photo. Here, it has been transformed again in Photoshop.

Et c'est celle-ci que je voulais présenter... L'autre avant, c'est une erreur !!! Argh! J'ai les bleus...

And this one is the one I wanted to show!!!! The one before, it's a mistake!!!
Argh! I've got the blues...

8 commentaires:

Anonymous a dit…

Being foreign or slow I don't understand what you are saying but it sure looks good! Love the sky ... must see the enlarged version because it is spectacular!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Thanks anonymous. And it's 2 am Sunday morning and I'm still awake. LOL...

andrea a dit…

This is fanatstic, ma grenouille favourite (that's probably all wrong). What an amazing image -- especially the red of the twin towers. (And just to reinforce my bad French, the word verification code is "goohf". :)

merlinprincesse a dit…

TeeHee... Almost there. Thanks Andrea. You try and it's OK. When I received your comment, I thought at first you were talking about Kermitt...I'm honored to be your grenouille favorite. And my English is not so good anyway.

vfm4 a dit…

this is magnificent.. the red center makes the blue even stronger and as for the meaning.. well, i dont think anyone of us will ever forget what happened...

carla a dit…

This is very powerful! The red of the towers along with the turmoil in the sky show the violence of that day, but the Statue of Liberty near the foreground shows that we go on. Thank you for this visually eloquent memorial.

merlinprincesse a dit…

I remember this horrible day and the following ones. Was working in a touristic section of the City. My sister called me in the morning to tell me what was happening. She was on the phone and told me when the first tower fell. A few minutes later, an American women came in and we talked about what just happened. She told me that her son was working in the towers and that she was very worried. I never knew if he finally was dead or alive. Yes this in in our memory forever.

Mei Shile a dit…

Mon browser ne l'affichait pas avant maintenant et je n'arrivais pas à le voir. C'est très prenant.