vendredi, décembre 30, 2005


Des gommes à bulle! Si vous regardez l'une d'entre elles, la couleur vous en indique immédiatement la saveur... Mais parfois, on a des surprises...
Bubble gums. Take a look. The colours indicate you the flavors...But you sometimes have a surprise...

jeudi, décembre 29, 2005


Ma fenêtre à Limoilou.

Il neige encore aujourd'hui!!!! J'en ai marre! J'aimerais autant être , ou , ou encore mieux .
Je suis jalouse de
Marie et de Stacie, qui vivent soi-disant au nord du Québec (TNO et Yukon) et qui n'ont presque pas de neige. Je suis jalouse de Prairie Girl et de son 2 cm de neige. Je suis jalouse de Mr K. ,qui ne connaît que la pluie depuis quelques jours dans son Maine natal... Je suis aussi jalouse de Andrea, qui m'a rappelé que nous vivions en ce moment les stéréotypes de notre beau pays: Le Québec enfoui sous la neige et la Colombie-Brittanique sous la pluie. Je suis jalouse de Anonymous et de Hellcat, qui ne cessent de me raconter leurs exploits dans leur piscine, en Australie. Et je suis jalouse de Mr Mudbroom, mais pas pour la même raison. Parce que ses dessins sont tellement cool. Hé hé hé!
Bon ça m'a fait du bien d'en parler... :o) En réalité, je veux seulement profiter de cette occasion pour vous faire à tous mes voeux de Bonne et Heureuse Année. J'espère que l'année 2006 vous apportera à tous l'inspiration pour continuer à photographier, à dessiner et à écrire. Je vous aime tous. Merci de venir me visiter!
Today, it's snowing again... Enough!!!!! I would prefer to be there or there or there.
I'm jealous of Marie and of Stacie, who are living NORTH of Québec (Northwest T. and Yukon) and only have a bit of snow. I'm jealous of Prairie Girl and of her 2 cm of snow. I'm jealous of Mr K. who has been having only rain and raim and rain in his natal Maine. I'm also jealous of Andrea, who has reminded me that we are now living the stereotype of our nice Canada. Quebec buried in snow and B.C. drown in the rain. I'm jealous of Anonymous and of Hellcat, who can't stop talking about their NICE POOL. And I'm finally jealous of Mr Mudbroom, but not for the same reasons. His drawings are so coooool! (HeHeHe).
AHHHHHHHH! Now I feel better...:o) In fact, I only wanted to wish you all a very Happy New Year!!! I hope that 2006 will give you the inpiration for more nice pics, paintings, drawings and writings! I Love you all! Thanks for visiting!

mardi, décembre 27, 2005


A partir d'un portrait photographique de Mei Shile, je me suis amusée avec Photoshop. J'aime beaucoup cette image.
This was at firts a photo I had taken of Mei Shile. Then, I photoshopped it a lot. Funny! I love this illo very much!


Le 24, ce n'était pas si pire... Mais le 25, petit à petit, cela a dégénéré. La neige est tombée pendant deux jours et le vent soufflait très fort. Ça faisait presque peur. Il y a eu quelques pannes de courant durant la journée d'hier. Et pas moyen de sortir de la maison. Jamais il n'y avait eu autant de neige sur mon patio. Cet envoi est dédié à tous ceux qui vivent dans des pays chauds et qui rêvent d'un Noël tout blanc. La neige, ça peut parfois devenir très emmerdant! Ouais!
On the 24th, t'was not so bad. But on the 25th, it worsened. Ths snow has been falling for 2 days, and the wind was, well, very windy! Almost frightening! Then, from time to time, we lost power! And we could'nt get out of the house! I had never seen so much snow on my patio! This post is dedicated to those who live in nice and hot climate and who dream of a white Christmas... This damn f.... snow. YEP!

Beaucoup de neige.

A sea of snow!

Et une fenêtre borgne!

And a window with no view!


Petites perles brillantes.

Little shiny beads.

lundi, décembre 26, 2005


Ouaip. La Vie en Rose. Juste un envoi à date, mais allez l'encourager!!!
Yep. La vie en rose. Just one post but go see it! She's going to be very glad...


Et voici ce qui arrive quand on dort trop longtemps... :o)
That's what happens when you oversleep... :o)

dimanche, décembre 25, 2005


Merlinprincesse se repose pour quelques temps.
Merlinprincesse is on a temporary recess.

mercredi, décembre 21, 2005


C'est mon dernier envoi avant Noël. Tant de choses à faire. Merci à tous les bloggeurs qui viennent me visiter et laissent des commentaires. Merci aussi à tous ceux qui n'en laissent pas (Hi Hi Hi). Je vous offre, en cadeau de Noël, quelques photos du merveilleux Marché de Noël, situé dans le Vieux-Québec. C'est Ginnie, à In Soul, qui m'en a donné l'idée. Passez de belles Fêtes!
This is my last post before Christmas. So many things to do! Thanks to all the blogfans who come to my blog and let some comments (and to the others too, Hee Hee Hee!) For a little Christmas gift, I have posted some pics of the wonderful Christmas Market, in Old Quebec. Ginnie, of In Soul, gave me this idea. To all of you, Happy Holidays!


Le Marché de Noël à Québec.
Christmas Market in Quebec City.

Regardez moi ce plafond...
Take a look at this ceiling...


Des petites abeilles bien jolies...
Aren't they cute!

J'ai ai acheté. J'y ai goûté. Fantastique! Caribou, cidre, pomme. Miam miam! Et fait au Nunavik!
I bought. And I ate. Fantastic! Caribou, cider, apples. Yummy! And made in Nunavik!

Jolies conserves de toutes sortes!
Nice and good food of all kinds!

Non, pas des sucres d'orge. Du miel aromatisé, emballé dans des bâtonnets de plastique.
No, not candies. Flavoured honey, in plastic sticks.

Un péché bien mignon que ce cidre de glace!
Péché means sin... But a very nice one this Ice Cider!


Un cadeau pour Merlin et Princesse. J'ai acheté le rouge.
A gift for Merlin and Princesse. I bought the red one.

De beaux objets peints à la main!
Nice things hand-painted!


J'ai demandé à cette charmante dame de la prendre en photo. Elle a gentiment dit oui, en me faisant promettre de lui donner une photo d'elle. J'ai bien sûr accepté. Et je me suis aussi laissé tenter par ses merveilleux savons!
I wanted to take a photo of this nice lady. She agreed, but asked me to bring her a picture of her. YEP! Sure, I said. And I even bought 2 of her marvelous soaps. Nice!

Ce monsieur vendait de magnifiques Santons, fait ici!
This man was selling his Christmas figurine, made here in Quebec!


Ensuite, pour nous reposer, nous sommes allées à la Librairie de ma soeur, non loin de là, pour prendre un petit café.
Then we went to my sister's bookstore for a little rest and a coffee. It's not very far from the Market, on Saint-Paul Street.

Ce beau petit lit de poupée avait été donné à ma soeur par ma mère, dimanche dernier. Hélas, il est déjà vendu!
This nice doll's bed had been given to Clo last Sunday by our mom. Alas! It's already sold!

Gene jette un regard sur les belles choses que sa maman a mises dans sa vitrine de Noël!
Gene is looking at all the nice things her mommy has put in her Christmas' display!

lundi, décembre 19, 2005


(Encore juste en anglais...désolée, mais les "taggueurs" sont tous anglophones...ou presque)
I've been tagged again. By Jean Domel aka Invicta Ocula. The same meme I did last week. This time, I will only post my weird things. Don't be afraid, I will not tag anyone back.
1- Once, I was driving on the Boulevard de la Capitale, in Québec City. That's a highway and everybody drives like crazy there. Suddenly, I saw in the sky a kind of blue light. It was a very sunny day so it appeared like if a knife had just made a cut in the sky. It was a pale shade of blue. I thing that day, I saw a meteorite. But I'm not certain...
2- After my last year at the University, I decided to go in Europe for 5 weekd with one of my fellow pharmacist girlfriend. We decided to rent a car and visit many cities. After a few weeks of bad weather, we decided to go South, to the Côte d'Azur... We had to drive through Marseille but we got lost. My friend was driving and she was very nervous. In the Port of Marseille, 4 guys in a car shouted at us and my friend said something not very nice, in kind of French Canadian Slang... The guys stopped their car and one of them came toward us, yelling at us. Don't know what he wanted but we were very afraid. Two men walking on the street stopped and helped us. The guy that was attacking us ran away. Me and my friend were both crying and the men gave us some cherries to comfort us and told us how to get out of Marseille. And we did. But a few hours later, we were still looking for a place to spend the night. It was late, very late. In a town wich I don't even remember the name, we asked a policeman if there was any "auberge" where we could stay. He sent us to see a lady who was, with her husband, the owner of a small Hotel. "You are lucky!, she said us, "I have one room left". We were very happy. But the poor lady never found the key of that stupid room. And we finally spent the night on a hard bench, in the kitchen... After that, all went well...
3- I know many people on St-Paul Street, in Québec City. That's the antiquarians street, where my sis has her bookstore. One day, when Gene was about 3 or 4 years old, I decided to take her for a walk in the old part of the city. I was walking. She was in her stroller. Sometimes, I took the "funiculaire", a kind of elevator that takes people from downtown to the "Château Frontenac". But this day, I decided instead to go to visit the Museum of Civilisations". When I went back, on St-Paul street, to my sister's shop, an antiquarian I know stopped me to talk. "Do you know what just happened", he asked me. "The Funiculaire just falled and they said on the radio that some people are dead". At this moment, I felt like if the street would have opened under my feet. "I have to go" I said, cause I knew my sis was certainly very worried. And I also realized that a few days before, I had make this dream. I was in the "funiculaire". It was falling and I was telling the people to jump so they would be saved and would not die...
4-It was the end of Summer, a very nice day and I was at the terrace of a restaurant, with my friend Théo. We were talking and I was telling her about this weird and very frightening dream I had. I was in a city, and a war had just begun. I was seeing some kind of big grey clouds on the ground, coming toward me and I was feeling really bad. Then she told me she also had a strange dream. She was seeing people falling from the top of big buildings. Then she was feeling like one of this person, and knew she had to jump from the window, then was falling but didn't want to die... A week later, it was September the 11th, 2001.
5-A week after the death of my brother-in-law, in 2000, I decided to go to an animal shelter to get another cat. I wanted to do something for Gene, who had just lost her father and I told her she would choose the cat and be it's godmother. She saw this cute little half-siamese female. And that was the one she wanted me to pick. But the cat was very independant. She was not at all looking at us and was having fun in her cage with some kind of toy. I finally agreed to Gene's choice having the premonition that I was going to have many problems with that cat. But I didn't. Princesse is still with me, the kindest half-siamese of all. And Gene loves her and Merlin. This time my premonition was not right... :o)

dimanche, décembre 18, 2005


J'ai l'intention, au cours de cette semaine, de vous montrer quelques photos du Marché de Noël, dans le Vieux-Port de Québec. Je vous présente d'abord cette sculpture de Bacchus, située tout à côté d'un marchand de vin et cidres québécois...
This week, I will show you some pics I've taken at the "Christmas Market" in Québec City's Old Port. But first, here is a sculpture showing Bacchus. This nice man is near a shop where some local wines and ciders are sold.


La première image a été prise de manière "classique". Celle-ci fut faite pendant que je faisais touner ma caméra. Pas de flash. Pas de photoshop, sauf quelques réglages des couleurs et de la saturation. J'ai trouvé que cette image conviendrait bien au thème de cette semaine sur Pxite: surréel.
The first photo is your usual pic. This one was taken while I was moving the camera. No flash. No photoshop, except for some minor adjusments of the colours and saturation. I find that this photo is nice for this week's theme on Pxite: Surreal.

vendredi, décembre 16, 2005


Évidemment, on pense immédiatement à la chanson de John Lennon. Imaginez tous les peuples vivant leur vie dans la Paix... Et j'avais ce dessin que j'avais fait en l'honneur de Paul Klee, mon peintre préféré. J'ai donc choisi cette image. Elle me fait penser à une photo des années 60 où une jeune fille donnait une fleur à un soldat, lors d'une protestation contre la guerre au Viet-Nam...
With this theme it's hard not to think about the Lennon's song. Imagine all the people living life in Peace... And I had this drawing I had done in the way of my favorite painter, Paul Klee. So I choose this image to illustrate this week subject. It makes me think of that pic of a girl giving a flower to a soldier, during a manifestation against the Vietnam War, in the sixties.

jeudi, décembre 15, 2005


(Désolée, mes amis francophones, mais j'ai vraiment la flemme de traduire ceci!!!)

Me learning that I've been infected again...

I've been "infected" again, this time by Prairie Girl... PG has named me for a "meme"... I think it's the fourth or fifth time I have to do this.... ARGHHHHHH! But I like PG very much, so I will do it again.
I have to post 5 random and WEIRD things about me and at the end, list the names of 5 people whom I wish to infect. I also have to send a post to those people telling them that they have been infected.
At first, I only wanted to post the facts. I didn't want to infect anybody. I'm a responsible person... But... Mwahahahahaha! I feel like a bad Merlinprincesse today and I want others to have fun too.
Here we go:
1- About 4 or 5 years ago, I was working in a very touristic area of Québec City. As a pharmacist, I had many contacts with people from all around the World. One day, a man and his wife came to me to have some informations about medications and various products... Looking at the man, I was thinking: "My! He looks like...!" But at first, I didn't say anything. Then I said to myself: "Gee, he has to know that he looks a lot like...!" So I told the man: "Excuse me Sir but have you ever been told that you look exactly like... "Then I stopped. The man stared at me and said: "Yes? I look like...?" And I said: "No no, I shouldn't say that to you!", cause I thought he would't be very glad to know that. But the man continued: "I look like???? Say it, say it!" And I said *shy*:" EEEEEE You look exactly like one of the Monthy Pythons...! "And I was thinking to myself: "OH MY.... What did I do..." But the man smiled and told:" That's me, I'm Terry Jones. I was in Montréal yesterday to give a show at the "Festival Just for Laugh". And today, we are visiting your wonderful city..." I almost fainted. "I always have been one of you fans!" I replied. My! I felt so stupid. But he was very kind, a real gentleman (with a nice English accent). We talked for about 10 minutes, then he and his wife left. That was a good day. :o)
2-I hate to do the laundry, the ironing and all the housekeeping. I procrastinate a lot when it's time to do those (awful) things... And since I have the Internet, it's worse...
3-I'm a fan of StarTrek, Stargate, X-Files, Andromeda, Roswell, Star Wars. And I own all the DVDs... Even the first serie of Startrek... (Ahhh Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner). I should never say that but I think finally, I'm a Romantic...
4-When I was young, I was able to tame any stray cats or dogs. Even the big barking dogs and the hissing cats. I was never afraid. I have lost this ability...
5-I love to make men laugh! Sometimes I'm a real goofy and I have lost some of my conquest because of that... Stupid Merlinprincesse....
Wow! T'was not easy but t'was fun. Thanks Prairie Girl.
Now I pass it on to some bloggers I love.
Beware: Tony LaRocca at Egotisticalproductions. Marie at Procrastination. The Unknown at Bad Art I Am Compelled to Share. Gustav Jensen at PhotoByte and Calvin at Central Living.
Have fun. Mwahahahahaha!

mercredi, décembre 14, 2005


Ce magnifique miroir m'a été donné dimanche dernier par ma mère. Elle a 80 ans et se sépare peu à peu de ses choses. Cela me rend triste. C'est un miroir unique. Mon père l'avait acheté d'un de ses amis, artiste. Il est probablement de l'époque victorienne. Le miroir lui-même est en forme de palette d'artiste. Le cadre montre la lutte du bien (les angelots) et du mal (le dragon). Pour moi, ce cadre symbolise ma vie elle-même. Sa dualité constante...
Last Sunday, my mother gave me this beautiful mirror. She's 80 years old and is giving us all of her belongings. It makes me sad. This mirror is unique. My father bought it from one of his artist friend. It's probably from the Victorian Area. The mirror itself is a painter's palette and the frame shows us the fight between good (the angels) and evil (the dragon). For me, this mirror symbolises my own life and its perpetual duality...


C'était son anniversaire le 8 décembre... Alors, voici mon cadeau. Mon frigo est très décoré. Le sien est plutôt sobre! Contrastes.
Joyeux Anniversaire Calvin! XXX
T'was his Birthday on December the 8th. So... this is kinda gift for him. My fridge is...well... decorated! That's a work in progress.... His is more Spartan. Contrasts!
Happy Birthday Calvin! XXX

mardi, décembre 13, 2005


Je vis dans un "quartier populaire"...


Pour Noël, j'aimerais.....
For Christmas, I would like.......

lundi, décembre 12, 2005


Voici les Ponts de Québec. J'ai pris cette photo lors de mon dernier party de Noël, qui avait lieu à l'Aquarium ... En réalité, on ne voyait strictement rien à travers la fenêtre. Je me suis accotée sur la vitre et j'ai fait une longue exposition. Je devais avoir l'air d'une vraie idiote... Et je n'avais pas bu une seule goutte d'alcool. Oui oui! Je vous jure!
Those are Quebec City's Bridges. I've taken this photo during my last Christmas Party, at Quebec's Aquarium... In fact, it was very dark and I saw nothing. Soooo, I put my camera on the window and waited for a long exposure. I certainly looked like a real goofy! And I didn't have drink one drop of wine! I swear!

samedi, décembre 10, 2005


Vendredi le 9 décembre 2005. Plus que 2 semaines avant Noël!!! Vite au centre d'achat!!! Vendredi le 9 décembre: moins 20 degrés Celcius et un vent à écorner les boeufs!!! Fait rien, on va au centre d'achat!!! Et dans le stationnement de Place Fleur-de-Lys, trois photographes en folie on aperçu ce personnage étrange au volant de sa voiture. Et ont passé 10 minutes (à moins 20 Celcius) à le photographier. Il attendait sans doute que nous ayons fini la session de photo pour aller magasiner lui aussi...
Friday, December the Ninth 2005. Only two weeks before Christmas!!! Lets go to the Mall!!! Friday, December the Ninth: Minus 20 Celcius and a very Windy Wind!!! No way! We go to the Mall!!! And in the parking of Place Fleur-de-Lys, 3 crazy photographs have seen this strange individual in his car. And have taken pics of him (remember, minus 20) for at least 10 minutes! He was probably waiting for us to finish this photo session. To GO TO THE MALL too!


Cette fois-ci, il n'y a que GOLDO qui a le droit de deviner... :o)
This time, only GOLDO is allowed to guess... :o)



Ce matin, j'ai regardé de nouveau ce dessin présenté à Illustration Friday. Je ne l'aime pas tellement, finalement. Il faut dire que j'ai eu beaucoup de mal à le faire. J'essayais ma tablette graphique et ça ne marchait pas du tout... Je pense même avoir lancé quelques jurons ... Puis je me suis un peu défoulée avec les couleurs... Hum... Bon je vous présente donc le dessin que j'ai utilisé au départ. Je le préfère... Dites moi ce que vous en pensez...

This morning, I looked at this drawing for Illustration Friday. Eeek! Finally, I don't like it! I have to tell you that I had some problems with my drawing pad. I think I've also...(*%&**///++%##) And I exxxxxxxagerated with the colours...Hum. Well, I show you now the original doodle I used. I like it better than the other one. Let me know what you think about it...

vendredi, décembre 09, 2005


Surprise! La duchesse s'est transformée en Sirène et ses fils sont devenus des Maqueraux!!!
Surprise! The Duchess has been transformed into a Mermaid and her daughters became Mackrels!!!

jeudi, décembre 08, 2005


Voyons donc voir si cette fois-ci vous allez reconnaître le personnage mystère... Deux images pour vous donner plus de chance. Moi, je trouve ça plutôt facile... :o)

Lets see if you're going to recognize this mysterious character this time... Two pics, to give you more chances. Personnaly, I find it easy... :o)

mercredi, décembre 07, 2005


J'ai déjà dit que les êtres humains étaient mes sujets préférés. Merci à tous mes amis qui se prêtent souvent de bonne grâce au jeu de la photographie. Voici une deuxième série d'images prises au cours des années. Elles sont très précieuses pour moi car représentent toutes des moments très heureux de ma vie. J'espère qu'elles vous plairont...
I've already told you that my favorite subject is people. Thanks to my friends that gracefully agree to pose for me. Here is a second serie of photos I've taken since the eighties. They are very precious to me since they remember me of some very happy moments. Hope you will like them. Enjoy!

Jean, Québec, 1986

Jean-Louis et Marie, Paris, 1987.

Mon amie Théo, artiste-peintre, 2004.

dimanche, décembre 04, 2005


Tel que promis, voici une photo de moi avec le "bel inconnu". Il y plus de 20 ans. J'étais bien jeune. En voyage en Floride, je venais juste d'acheter un Mickey.
As promised, here is the pic of me with this "handsome young man". More than 20 years ago. I was so young! In Disneyworld, I just had buy this Mickey Mouse.


Hier, j'ai eu mon deuxième party de Noël en deux jours... Manger, boire, parler, danser, voir des gens qu'on n'a pas vus depuis un an...J'ai fais de nombreux essais photographiques. Je me suis amusée. Et coincidence, le thème de cette semaine à pxite est "PARTY". Chouette!
Yesterday, I had my second Christmas Party in 2 days... Eat, drink, talk, dance and see people you haven't seen in one year. Did many pics. Had fun. And this week pxite's contest is "PARTY". Cool!

samedi, décembre 03, 2005


Les événements du 11 septembre 2001 seront à jamais gravés dans notre mémoire collective. Liberté, le blues de New-York.
All the events of September 11th 2001 are forever in our collective memory. Liberty, The New-York's Blues.

J'ai déjà présenté cette photo. Cette fois-ci, elle est encore plus transformée avec Photoshop.
I've already presented this photo. Here, it has been transformed again in Photoshop.

Et c'est celle-ci que je voulais présenter... L'autre avant, c'est une erreur !!! Argh! J'ai les bleus...

And this one is the one I wanted to show!!!! The one before, it's a mistake!!!
Argh! I've got the blues...

jeudi, décembre 01, 2005


Aucun trucage. Pas de Photoshop. Seulement une prise de vue un peu spéciale. Reconnaissez vous cet individu???
No trick. No Photoshop. Only a different way of taking a pic... Do you recognize this... personage???


J'adore photographier les gens en train de prendre des photos. J'aime églement les auto-portraits au miroir. J'ai des dizaines d'images de ce genre. Voici quelques-unes de mes préférées.
I love taking pics of people taking pics. Including myself...I have dozens of those and here are some of my favorites.

Toujours plus haut! Up, high and away!

Denise, Cap-Tourmente.

Double moi...