De nombreux groupes défilent égalament au Carnaval... Des musiciens, des danseurs, des clowns, des gens déguisés de toutes sortes de manière. Comme la Parade se déroule la nuit, les conditions de prise de vue sont très difficile. J'aime cependant beaucoup montrer le mouvement dans ces groupes qui défilent très rapidement.
Many groups parade at this Carnival. Some musicians, dancers, clowns, people disguised in all manners. And as the Parade occurs at night, taking picture is not easy. But I like to show people mooving as they pass in front of us very rapidly, in a continuous motion.

Des fantômes blancs.
White Ghosts.

Danseurs dans la nuit.
Dancers in the Dark.
Ombres et lumières.Many groups parade at this Carnival. Some musicians, dancers, clowns, people disguised in all manners. And as the Parade occurs at night, taking picture is not easy. But I like to show people mooving as they pass in front of us very rapidly, in a continuous motion.

Des fantômes blancs.
White Ghosts.

Danseurs dans la nuit.
Dancers in the Dark.

Shadows and Light.

Des clowns blancs.
White clowns.
5 commentaires:
J'avais pas vu ces autres images. Ça me donne la réponse à propos du trépied.
I must live in the wrong city, there doesn't seem to be this type of action where I live....maybe I don't get out enough.
Mei: Ouais, c'est flou... Mais très artistique....LOL!
Detlef: We neeeeed that kind of celebration in Quebec City. There are more than one million people living in the united cities around here and winter is very very looooong for all of us. :o)
Yaaay. More pictures!
Ginnie: Yeah!!!! More and more!!!!
Shane: Thanks for the link! I saw that two of your blogs are missing!!! But I will continue to visit the other 2... And good luck for your expos! Lots of inspiration for ya my friend... (Tasmania, really????? Cool!!!)
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