She has played for hours in HER HOUSE. The magic chair had transformed this space into a magic house where she could live many wonderful adventures. And the dog was very happy too...
Ella a joué pendant des heures dans SA MAISON. La chaise magique avait transformé cet espace en une maison magique où elle pouvait maintenant vivre de fantastiques aventures. Et le chien aussi était très content.
18 commentaires:
Oh that is fun! She looks like she has a wonderful time in her house. Yes truly a magic chair!
aaah yes, a chair as a house! love this, very magical!!!
beautiful colours, brings back memories. Thank you, a lovely piece!
Her house really looks like a magic house in your image. They joy of an adventure with the help of one chair is a joy that should be taught all over the world to all the adult people, and after main studies a once a year re-study. This because it seems so many learn this as a child but forget it when growing up.
Great work!
Yep girls. Imagination is sooo fun when we are young! I remember playing with my bro just with a blanket and beleiving we were on a boat... Such fun... And Katili, that's true, we should try to keep our imagination alive when we are older. Life would be easier...
This brings me such wonderful memories of my daughter playing. Oh to keep the imaginations we had as children. Nothing was impossible.
Wee Hee! Fun and cute.
Yes magical! Love the silk scarves :) Still play in my boy's cubbyhouses ... it's so much fun especially when reading books with a torch :)
Catnapping, The UNKNOWN and Kind Anonymous : I was thinking about what Katili said. Maybe being an artist (and I think most of my blofans are) helps us keep our imagination alive in a more smooth way. I'm certain that creation is what saves all of us. I feel connected with you all, painters, photographs, illustrators and writers all around the World. And that connection is more than a simple game on the net. We are learning that even if we are all different (I love difference) we have so many things in common. And I hope that those relations with people all over the world (people I knew nothing about before blogging) those connections will help us to make the World a little bit better. YEP.
Amen. Preach it, Sister!
Dear Ginnie, I'm a Buddhist preacher!!! LOL!
I love this! It brings back wonderful memories of making secret hide-a-ways out of chairs and scarves and blankets...what a world that exists under the magic chair:> Wonderful!
Thank Carla... I now realize that everybody has done that! That's so cool!
Is it a collage? I think it's both charming and inspired. Creativity creates creativity doesn't it?
Les enfants s'inventent des choses et des jeux extraordinaires avec trois fois rien.Leurs imaginations et créativités est sans limites.Tres belle cette chaise,magique...
very cute...love the scarf and the happy face!
i mean the beach towls!
Shane: I agree!
Andrea: Nope, not a collage. A real pic!
Marc: Merci beaucoup!
Joli noir perle: Yes those are beach towels. T'was after the pool, this summer, at my bro's house! Fun fun fun!
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