MonHP est mort. Vive mon nouveau Cannon Powershot... Je peux maintenant faire de la macro-photo. Et des films.... Voici donc une de mes premières images. Chez moi, la boite à malle est à l'intérieur. Et elle est un petit peu vieille... Mais je n'ose pas la changer de peur que le mur ne s'effondre.... Oui, je vis dans une vieille maison, dans un vieux quartier...
My HP is dead. I now have a Cannon Powershot! YEAH!!! And now, I can take macro pics...And movies.... Here is one of my first image. My onw mailbox is INSIDE the apartment. YEP. It's a little bit old. So is the house. But I can't change it. The wall is going to fall...
13 commentaires:
Congratulations! Now you have a real camera :-)
(For the record, I have two Powershots and a Digital Rebel myself.)
Very cool shot Merlin congrats on the new "baby" camera. Although I will have to say im a Nikonian!!!!!! I'm gonna get you to switch one day. :)
Calvin: For the record, I wasn't dissing Nikon, I was dissing HP. Great printers, lousy cameras. I save my "Canon is better than Nikon" posts for DPReview.
Oops :-O
Word Verification for this comment: HIINT
I had REAL Cameras before...But they were reflex: PENTAX (for the records) My HP was one of the best... a few years ago. Not soooo lousy, as you can see by my pics... Cannon IS good. I will NEVAAAA switch to Nikon (too bad Cal) Unless I switch.... HeeHee...
You guys are soooooooo FUNNY!!!!! (teehee)
I have one to and I love it! Your turtledove story below is absolutely wonderful, beautiful pictures!!! I love your blog!
Thanks for your nice comment Valgalart... But wich do you have? The Powershot (S2 IS BTW)? The Nikon? The HP? The old mail box? Or the funny guy???? HeeHeeHee...I'm soooooo funny. :oD
OH MY Mr Fab.... You are THAT OLD???
Super belle photo! J'ai eu la visite d'un nouveau sur mon blog rafa, et ta photo m'a fait penser à ce blog-ci de lui, mais il en a deux autres.
En anglais, foskifo: I have no Nicon, Nikin, Nycoon, and no Canon(except for an old, old one, my first, a Canon A-1). Mine is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ1 (and Calvin, I see you're smiling right now...) and I love it!
World Verif: NICONYEURK! :O)
P.S. Love my Panasonic, not the fact that Calvin is smiling, of course!
C'est ça que j'ai une Canon Powershot. Meilleure choix qualité/prix dans Protégez-vous d'octobre 2004.
À propos de la boîte à malle: "don't remove this sticker. It's standing up the building" :-D.
Clo: J'ai vu le site de RAFA... C'est beau ce qu'il fait... Je vais essayer d'y retourner... Povtichoz. Tsé jveudir...
ReClo: DUH!
Mei: C'est ça quand on reste dans une vieille maison... Pis c'est presque vrai... HI HI HI... :oD
First of all, I love the MAIL pic. I remember the days when MAIL in mailboxes you could touch with your hands was a BIG deal to me. Now we've switched more to the CyberSpace Mailboxes, I guess. Anyway, sometimes OLD is good :)
Secondly, I pay attention to all these back-n-forths about cameras because Donica is chomping at the bit to buy me a new one. I keep telling her to wait until I know which one I should get. I also think I should spend more time getting used to my Sony DSC-P150 (7.2 mega pixels)...but maybe not? MP (or anyone), if you have a good sales pitch on what new camera I should buy and why, please write me at my G-mail address!
Ginnie: Old is coooool!!! ;o)
Will send you e-mail for the camera!
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