Voici les photos que je préfère parmi toutes celles que j'ai prises samedi dernier.
Here are the pics I prefer among all those I have taken last Saturday.
Here are the pics I prefer among all those I have taken last Saturday.

Battez tambours!
Lets play the drums!
C'est plus chaud quand on court!
Les lutins aux ballons!
Goblins with balloons!
Un autre clown blanc! Mais quelles couleurs!
And at last! Bonhomme!
19 commentaires:
Tes photos sont magnifiques!
Amusant, pour la joueuse de tambour, on a presque cliqué en même temps!
Finalement, avouons-le, on fait des torrieuses de belles photos. ;@)
Allez, Clo, embrasse-toi la main :-DDDD!!!!
mei: hi hi hi :O)
Clo: Ouais des torrieuses!
Mei: Pis toi aussi!
Clo et Mei: On est ben bonnes... ;o)
Gustav: Thank you Gustav. But I must admit I have also taken LOTS AND LOTS of pics that are not very good!... That's what I like about digital. You can take an throw away as many times you want! :o)
Where are the black clowns? :)
Cal: They are there.... Under tons of WHITE make-up!!! ;o)
The colors are incredible! I like the clown, too, but also the goblins with balloons. What a nice Carnival!
Yes Ginnie. It was real fun!!! But a little bit cold.... :o)
I have missed all the fun - they are all brilliant photos with lots of movement and colour!
Drums but no bongos. How does their song go without a bongo? Cool pics, must remember to have my own carnival later, I've got a biscuit barrel. ...:::o
Thanks, Kind Anonymous! But the fun is on the pic. The weather was in fact kind of coldish... YEP No bushfires here...
MushrooM: I agree! No real party without a bongo! But those were Bands... March bands! The next time, YOU will be invited with you biscuit barrel...AAAAAH! The sound of biscuit barrels in the night!
You've really captured the light of a night full of fun here.
Seriously beware of the clowns. They can be very freaky.
Very nice shots !
It was fun Caroline. But a bit cold.... ;o)
Detlef: Some are.... Like a certain Prime Minister (or 2)...
Crescendo: Thanks! :o)
I particularly like the last 2 shots. you've really captured the atmosphere :)
Thanks Mushsis! :o)
Tes séries sur le carnaval sont super !
C'est le clown blanc que je préfère, avec la phot des ballons, dans la première série.
Merci Maxime. Moi, mes préférée sont le clown blanc, les ballons et le lutin aux ballons. Tu peux voir un diaporama de mes images sur Flick'r. L'hyperlien est sur mon site, en bas de la barre de côté. Je compte d'ailleurs ajouter d'autres groupes de photos.
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