lundi, mars 20, 2006


Aujourd'hui, à 13:26, heure du Québec, le printemps est officiellement arrivé! Un petit Perrier pour l'occasion??? (Spring Water en anglais). Photo pour le thème *SPRING* du concours Tuesdays Photos... :o)
Today at 13:26 hours in Quebec, Spring was officially here! And I drink a little glass of SPRING WATER to that!!!! Perrier, mon cher! Photo posted for the theme *SPRING* in the Tuesdays Photos contest.... :o)

11 commentaires:

LDahl a dit…

Happy Spring to you!!!

Cédric a dit…

Mummm, ça donne soif!!!! je vais boire un truc...

merlinprincesse a dit…

Lilah: And to you tooooo!

Cédric: MMMM... Un Perrier????

Anonyme a dit…

A ta santé!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Et à la tienne, Marc!!!!

Mei Shile a dit…

Pas de l'eau St-Justin, plutôt :-D?

merlinprincesse a dit…


Ginnie Hart a dit…

Spring water. I try to drink that Perrier on the plane whenever possible. Love that stuff!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Ginnie: And I like when the bubbles are tickling my nose!!!!

Caroline: HeeHee!

Mr Tiger: I was born in Spring!!!! I am glorious!!!! NAAAAHHHHH.... ;)

Jozee a dit…

I posted on here the other day but- poof.

You make this look like nectar of the gods.

So beautiful...I want a sip!

merlinprincesse a dit…

There is a trick Jozee... I put my pink glove behind the glass.... :)