vendredi, mai 12, 2006


Nous sommes tous à la fois Anges et Démons...

We are all both Angels and Demons...

30 commentaires:

Cez a dit…

Bien beau ce dessin...
mi-ange , mi-démon..parle pour toi!! moi je suis sage comme une image!!!! lol

Joy Eliz a dit…

This is excellent!!! love it!

Tony LaRocca a dit…

great work, as always! It looks like the power is just burning from his head.

Unknown a dit…

the first thing that grabbed me was the colors then the design of the head dress. very powerful.

Unknown a dit…

the first thing that grabbed me was the colors then the design of the head dress. very powerful.

Anonyme a dit…


Willie Baronet a dit…

I agree. And nice work. :-)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Zèbre: Je regarde ton icône, et j'ai comme un doute.... :)

Joy! Thanks!

Tony: Just his hair! Or kind of magic head dress...:)

Joy! Thanks! Cool! You have a twin sister!!!!

Airbête: J'ai tenté de faire un dessin très rapide... Avec un coup de crayon violent! Ange et démon!

RRamone: Thanks to you too! :)

Aravis a dit…

Gorgeous work! I love the face, headdress and the wonderful blending of colors.

Mei Shile a dit…

Ça me fait penser à l'oiseau de feu de Stravinsky

Teri a dit…

Wow, what a stunning piece!

Anonyme a dit…

Une SQUAW en costume d'apparat...
La noblesse se lit sur son visage.
Couleurs diaboliquement radieuses
et dessin angélique!.. Bises.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Aravis: I love to create some contrasts in my drawings. :)

Mei: C'est vrai! LOL!

Mr Tiger: And so are we... Human nature... The most difficult thing is to learn to control all that! :)

Teri: Thanks! Hope you had a nice trip last week!

Ritadaphné: Merci ma tante! Tu n'as toujours eu que des mots gentils pour mes créations. T'es fine... Ça me remonte le moral! :)

steve a dit…

Y'know, this rilly reminds me of Green Man illustrations and statues from Europe. This is wonderfully vibrant and lively !


marc a dit…

Tu as usé tes crayons de couleurs pour faire cette illustration!
Superbe dessin

Katili a dit…

So right you are ! What a wild illustration. Reminds me of a shaman, but has that friendly smile and eyes.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Steeve; Thanks! I probably have some celtic ancestors! :)

Marc: J'ai utilité quelques crayons aquarelle pour la base et j'ai transformé le tout dans Photoshop. Le dessin original n'est pas aussi coloré... :D

Katili: OH Katili, I didn't see the shaman! Yes! I've been influenced by my native american ancestors toooooo. LOL!

CanadianSwiss a dit…

C'est aussi ce que j'ai pensé au début: un chamane. J'adore ces couleurs qui vibrent!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Merci, CS. En fait, je trouve de plus en plus de défauts à ce dessin. Je commence à ne plus aimer ce que je fais et les couleurs que j'emploie, même dans mes photos... Claudine (Clo) m'a dit que c'était un signe de changement...:)

Unknown a dit…

beautiful expressive style!! Love it!

josep-manel a dit…

A beautifull picture. I'm envious....

I think we may be both... but we have free will... then... what do you choose angel or devil, dear H.??
I'm very egoistic, daily I trying to be "good", that make me feel good, therefore I prefer to be an angel ;-)...
Thanks to be here... you make me think about myself.
dib ;-)

modroom a dit…

Is this hand drawn and scanned in or a software production? Rather splendid angel.

Caroline a dit…

Fabulous - I love the depth you have created here and the colours are wonderful.

Looks a bit like a green man.

Lee a dit…

very cool how the colors are so built up and dimensional! great piece :)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Alina Chau: Thanks!

Dib: You are an angel! I know that! Me I try to be but sometimes, it's very difficult to fight against the bad one... And GOD I have many bad sides! :( But I try....
Gracias y besos también! :))))

Mushroom: First hand drawn with watercolor crayons (and water). But I found the colours to pale so I scanned my drawing and enhanced it in PS.... Thank you for the compliment young man.... *teehee*

Caroline: Strange! Some people have seen a green man, othere a shaman... It probably depends of what part of the World you come from... But in the end, all those myths are about the same thing. Strenght, power, magic! :) Maybe he is my Guardian Angel.... ;o)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Lee! I did not forget you! But we posted at the same time! :) Thanks for the nice comment!

carla a dit…

Despite the dichotomy of good and evil, this character looks so strong and proud! I love the vibrant colors and energatic has such a feeling o f power:>

merlinprincesse a dit…

Carla: Strenght is what I'm looking for those days! Thanks! :)

valerie walsh a dit…

I would love to meet this angel/demon as it is so beautiful!! I would be mesmerized by it's beauty!

p.s. I love looking at all of your beautiful photos, thoughts, ideas. You seem like a very life loving woman! My kinda gal!!!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Valgalart: *double blushing* :)