samedi, mai 20, 2006


Maurice est mort le 24 mai 1995. Je l'ai accompagné dans son agonie. Et je sais qu'il était vraiment désolé de nous quitter. Parce qu'il n'avait pas fini sa tâche. Je le lisais dans ses yeux. Je le tenais dans mes bras et son angoisse était tangible. Mais il a fait tout de même une belle mort. J'ai réussi à lui parler doucement, à lui dire de s'en aller vers la lumière. Je lui ai aussi dit que nous arriverions bien à nous débrouiller sans lui. Mais il me manque. Mon père me manque. Allez voir ce petit film que j'ai fait en son honneur. J'aurais aimé faire mieux... Mais j'expérimentais un nouveau programme. Réglez vos problèmes avant de mourir... Pour ne pas partir avec des regrets!
Maurice died on May 24th 1995. I accompanied him in his agony. And I know that he was really sorry to leave us. Because his task was unfinished. I could see that in his eyes. I was holding him in my arms and could feel his angish. But I manage to talk to him softly. I told him to follow the Light. I also told him that we would manage to go on without him. But I still miss him. Yes, I miss my daddy. Go see this little movie I've made in his memory! I would have liked to do better. But I was experimenting with this new program. Please, try to solve all your problems before your death. To leave this world without any regrets!

21 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Lovely piece!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Thanks Alina Chau! An old pic of my daddy!

CanadianSwiss a dit…

J'ai regardé ton film une deuxième fois. Quel bel hommage à ton papa.

andrea a dit…

J'en suis desolee. Was he your brother?

heather a dit…

I'm so sorry for your loss, MP.

*hugs sent your way*

Watching the film, you have so much talent. I loved it, and the music was wonderful too.

Anonyme a dit…

J'ai regardé ton film,il est très émouvant.Un bel hommage.

Teri a dit…

What a beautiful memory.

Zórdís a dit…

Memories often provoke sorrow and happyness. We have both after loosing someone cared for! Great video and so meaningful! Sorry is a strange state of mind!

merlinprincesse a dit…

CS: Merci! J'aimais beaucoup mon père et j'ai eu beaucoup de chagrin quand il est parti! Mais je suis fière d'avoir eu le courage de l'accompagner jusqu'à la fin... :)

Andrea: No, my dear father! :)

Pinky: Thanks for your hugs! Very appreciated! :)

Marc: Merci! :)

Teri: Thanks to you too! :)

Zordis: Yes, sorry is a very strange state of mind. Here we often say that it's better to have remorses than regrets! :)

Twisselman a dit…

Beautiful homage to your father.

andrea a dit…

Oh -- I read it again and caught the reference to your daddy. So sorry.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Twisselman: Thanks. He was a good man! :)

Andrea: Don't be sorry honey! No problemo! :)

Ginnie Hart a dit…

Very well said!

carla a dit…

I guess very few of us anticipate our death, so we leave things undone, thinking there's time. Your little movie is haunting and happy at the same time, and the image here really feels like a frozen moment. I know how it is to still miss your father - I still miss mine, and probably always will. What a touching post.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Ginnie! Merci! :)
Carla: *comforting hugs* :)

steve a dit…

Sad but wonderful message !


merlinprincesse a dit…

Thanks Steve! But as strange as it could appear, I was not sad when he died. I was happy because I was feeling something I can't describe. Something like a very strong and positive energy that was there with me. The sadness came later...

Jozee a dit…

I'm sorry MP. What a difficult journey.

Please accept my condolences on the nearing anniversary of your beloved father's death.

oxo Jo

merlinprincesse a dit…

Life is a difficult journey, Jozee! And thank for your nice comment. You are a kind lady! :)

modroom a dit…

Love the film, and what colours. Good take on The Big Wheel journey.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Thanks Mushroom! I like the term The Big Wheel Journey! :)