samedi, avril 01, 2006


Taken this morning. Yep!
Pris ce matin. Ouais!

4 commentaires:

andrea a dit…

This is driving me crazy. What is it? It looks like the end of a spoon but it has a hole in it...

merlinprincesse a dit…

OH! Andrea: Just a letter opener... LOL! But an old one! And you can see my keybord reflecting on it... :)

Ginnie Hart a dit…

Well, I'm glad andrea asked because I didn't have a clue either. Thanks for 'splaining :) Hodge-podge was all I came up with.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Ginnie! It's an antique!!!! *mumbling*... hodge-podge...mmmm...But what IS hodge-podge!!!???? Looked on Urban Dico... Not found...