lundi, avril 03, 2006


Un concours un peu étrange. Des thèmes bizarres... Non conventionnels. Essayons!
A little bit strange this contest. And bizarre themes. Unconventional! Lets try it!

9 commentaires:

Gary J. Wood a dit…

Now I'm hungry.

Jozee a dit…

I like the photo. What's the contest?

CanadianSwiss a dit…

Was it a thin crust?? ;-)

heather a dit…

mmmmmm pizza!

Cédric a dit…


merlinprincesse a dit…

Gary: Men are always hungry.. LOL!

Jozee: The strange Scavenger Hunt... See in my sidebar.

Canadianswiss: Nope, the regular one... but I prefer thin crust!

Heather and Cedric: In fact those were the remains of the day before... Des restants de la veille... LOL! ;o)))

Ginnie Hart a dit…

I think I could eat pizza any time of the day anywhere! Which reminds me that I haven't had it in quite awhile. Hmm. Will have to remedy that.

Nancy Bea Miller a dit…

Delicieux! Maintenant j'ai faim.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Ahhhhhh Everybody like pizza as I can see... :)