Ce signal se trouvait à l'entrée du Tracel de Cap-rouge, dans les années '70. Je ne pense pas qu'il y soit encore... De toute façon, comme c'est écrit, on passait pareil... :)
This sign was placed at the beginning of the Tracel of Cap-Rouge, in the seventies. Probably not there anymore. We were going on there anyway... :)
8 commentaires:
I like it, MP. I always like signs in more than one language! Makes the message very clear, in case you miss it the first time :)
I know, I know! I should not have been there! T'was a place where we used to go when we were younger. Near my parent's house. I've not been there for years. But my mom still lives near by... I will go back there one of those days and take some more pics. For the ART! :)
When I was younger I used to play around the train tracks too, putting coins on the track so they would be rolled by the passing train, counting the cars as they went by, looking for the double and triple cabooses, etc. We even road the trains when we got older if they were slow enough that we could run along side and grab onto the ladder.
In all honesty, we must have had guardian angels to have survived our childhood.
Nice pic! The water looks like fog.
The Tart
; )
Nanuk: Those are pleasures of LIFE! And I think I still have a Guardian Angel or a Guide or something like that... And he has a Hell of a Job! My! Even at my age... Bad MP!
Jodie: Thanks! And smooch from a fellow Tart! :)
Mr Tiger: Some don't! And I am! :) And I love that!
Tu m'as bien fait rire, MP. Merci. Ca me rapelle de beaux souvenirs: piquer des pommes dans le verger du voisin, passer là où on ne devait pas, etc. The unknown is always so thrilling, isn't it?
Tell me, did you put that add-on message? ;-)
Coucou...enfin tchoutchouuuuuuuuuu...
Oui oui...je passe...et je passerai encore...
Cs: Non ce message n'est pas de moi... Un coup de chance...
Olico: Tchoutchou! :)
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