lundi, avril 10, 2006


Il y a presque 30 ans...... J et moi...Pour Anon!
Almost 30 years ago.... J and me... For Anon!

14 commentaires:

Tony LaRocca a dit…

Beautiful, of course. You have to love that 70's makeup!

merlinprincesse a dit…

TONY! It was just for the photo! Usually, I don't wear any make-up! LOL! (Even in the seventies)...:) I was my own model most of the time... Egocentric? Maybe a little!

Anonymous a dit…

Beauuuuuutifultwooooooo wooooaahhh...

merlinprincesse a dit…

Mr Tiger: Thanks... A tad....JUST FOR THE PIC I SAID! And I was sooooo young... Heh heh

merlinprincesse a dit…

Anon: Thaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkk yooouuaaaaauuuuwaaaaaa!

Calvin a dit…

Very cool!!

Clo a dit…


Ginnie Hart a dit…

At first I didn't think that was your profile, MP--different than what I expected. Very nice, though :)

Jozee a dit…

Very Liza Minelli. Who's the chap in the pic?

andrea a dit…

Love the painted eyelashes. Body art!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Ginnie: This WAS my profile. But I've changed much since then... I'm an old lady now! HeeHee!

Jozee: He was a very handsome guy from Australia.... I met him many years ago, in another life...;o)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Andrea: I will soon show you some more strange body art... Yes, on myself! You'll see!

CanadianSwiss a dit…

Looking forawrd to more of these picts. Really great!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Thanks CS! This was a slide I scanned. A very long process! But I love to do that! :)