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Princesse et la Mouche
Vidéo envoyée par Merlinprincesse
Avertissement: Pas pour les coeurs sensibles. Aucun animal n'a été blessé pendant le tournage de ce film..... Ou presque.
Après avoir vu ce vidéo, vous avez à choisir l'une des 3 options suivantes; a) La mouche fut sauvée par moi. Je l'ai mise dehors. b) Princesse a gobbé la mouche. c) J'ai gobbé la mouche... :) Faites votre choix. La réponse dans les commentaires.... LOL
Warning: Not for a sensible heart! No animal was injured during this moovie... Almost..
After seiing that video, you have to choose one of the following.
A) The fly was safe, I put it outside. b) Mademoiselle Princesse ate it! c) I ate it.... :) Wich one do you think? Answer on comments... LOL
15 commentaires:
I think the fly became a snack. :)
Holala! Un scène d'horreur en direct!
Tu as gobé la mouche!
Princesse est tres belle!
Bon Dimanche
Laisse-moi deviner... D'après le lèche-babines de Princesse, elle a gobé a mouche. A beautiful cat you have there!
I'll have to put up a video of Dale one day. :-)
Jeff: Yep a poetic way to say it...:)
Marc: C'est la vie... The Circle of Life! Mais je n'ai PAS gobé la mouche.... Heh heh! bon dimanche!
CS: She's a beautiful and very intelligent pest. She was very excited by her first fly this year... But I did not show the gross part. When the fly was still bzzzeeeeing in her mouth. Yech!
Cat's love flies!
Jo: And Princesse loves allllllll insects. Especially when they are kinda crunchy!!!!
The fly was injured so it must've become a snack! She has gloriously beautiful and subtle colouring. What a princess she is!
Moi, je te connais alors, je sais que tu as au moins essayé de sauver la mouche en la mettant dehors, mais tu fus prise par surprise en ouvrant la porte et un essaim t'a attaquée et t'a mise à la porte de ta propre demeure. Puis, ils ont tous fait la fête avec Princesse et Merlin, riant de leur bonne blague!
I think the fly was still buzzing in her tummy, that's why she was scratching like mad:)))
I have cable now so I could watch your little movie!!!!!
Mademoiselle did not eat it. However, the fly did not survive.
Mademoiselle ne l'a pas mangé. Cependant, la mouche n'a pas survécu. (google translator)
Do your cats know they are in the movies, I wonder. Stars, of course!
Lilah: Yep, still buzzzzzzzing. And hurray for the cable! Happy for ya!
Stpehn... You loooooose! She ate it... It seemed very crunchy. On the video, I skipped the PG parts! LOL ! And the traduction is PERFECT!
Ginnie: I'm sure they don't realize. If they would, they would'nt do so many stupid things! ;)
OH! Clo and Andrea! Désolée!Sorry!
Clo: Twès twès dwôle.... Méchat essaim... Moi toute gelée dewors!
Andrea: Hope your talking about the cat and not the fly when you say SHE HAS GLORIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL...
Le truc, c'est que les chats aiment le poisson, alors c'est faire des réserves pour pêcher à la mouche :-D.
Mei: T'es sûre? :)))))
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