samedi, avril 29, 2006


For the contest Brookston Weekly Photo Scavenger Hunt. This photo of a FOUNTAIN pen was taken OUTDOORS, and this FOUNTAIN pen was LIGHTED BY THE SUN!!!! (All this to have more points, Heh! Heh!)... And NO this is not a Mont-Blanc.... LOL! (And this is a ballpoint, as you can see).... I think I will NOT win with this one... :)

Pour le coucours
Scavenger Hunt, une photo d'une plume-FONTAINE prise DEHORS, et ÉCLAIRÉE PAR LE SOLEIL!!!! (Tout ça pour avoir plus de points, hihihi!) Et NON, ce n'est pas une plume Mont-Blanc...LOL! Et en plus, c'est un stylo à bille... Je ne gagnerai sûrement pas avec ça!... :)

12 commentaires:

Cédric a dit…

Magnifique !!

Aravis a dit…

This turned out beautifully! It seems to have been a serendipitous moment, the way the sunlight caught the journal and pen. Lovely. :0)

nanuk a dit…

Excellent photo, MP, but I've just spent the past ten minutes cocking my head from side to side in a failed attempt to figure out what the writing is. At first I thought it was "hotel" written backwards, but now I don't think so. So put me out of my misery and tell me what it means, please.

merlinprincesse a dit…

Cédric: Merci! :)

Aravis: It was very sunny yesterday (this pic was took yesterday, yup)... But lets say that I helped the serendipity a little! Many pics were taken! ;o)

Mr Tiger: LOLOLOLOL! I find you and Nanuk are mentally very similar! MBWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Mei Shile a dit…

Je reconnais le livre! Bel éclairage!

merlinprincesse a dit…

Dear Nanuk! *laughing so loud that my cats are running all around and meowing their ass off*... Don't you recognize the Chinese characters?!!!! Here's a hint! :)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Mei: Oui! Mon journal de voyage! Hihihi!

nanuk a dit…


/maybe it's Chinese for Travelodge or Super 8

merlinprincesse a dit…

Nanuk! It's written just UNDER the sigh! In the lower part of the pic! DUUUH YOURSELF! :)

merlinprincesse a dit…

Thanks Gustav! This pic was really taken in the sunlight so the shadows are very strong!

CanadianSwiss a dit…

Wow. I love the colour tones you have in there!

merlinprincesse a dit…

CS: Merci! J'aime bien le rouge...